Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout EPUB & PDF

Bitter Sweet Love (THE DARK ELEMENTS #0.5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout EPUB & PDF

Bitter Sweet Love (THE DARK ELEMENTS #0.5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Nothing in the world compared to flying, to the feeling of the cool air
rushing through my loose hair or sliding over my warm skin and along the
curve of my spine, between my wings. I was so high, so far above the
domes of the Adirondack Mountains that when I opened my eyes, I felt as
though I could reach out and touch the stars or rise straight to the Heavens.

Which would be problematic if it happened. Somehow I doubted the
Alphas would appreciate a Warden suddenly breaching their pearly gates. I
laughed at the thought; the sound lifted and blew away on the wind. One
couldn’t just fly into heaven. As with Hell, there were doorways all over the
world, giving entry to those who knew how to find them and had reason to
cross their thresholds.

During the past three years, much to my father’s displeasure, I’d spent
every evening in the sky. Females weren’t supposed to fly alone or do
anything other than pop out babies and raise and teach the young, but none
of the males were as fast as me. At least none that were around or mattered

I cut off the train wreck of a thought process before it could derail me
and ruin the lovely early-summer night.

Down below, the caps of the Adirondacks didn’t seem so large and
unmovable. No. They appeared soft, like marshmallows. Between the
peaks, lakes glistened like shiny vats of onyx and the forest was thick and
virtually uninhabitable. Once, I had flown to all forty-six peaks of the
Adirondacks, traveling into Canada and then back to Washington County.

A burst of wind caught the underside of my wings, causing their horns to
tingle as the current lifted me up as if I was caught in a bubble. For a
moment, the change of atmosphere, the pure quality of the air, caused my
lungs to constrict and I couldn’t pull in enough oxygen.

There was a brief spike of panic at not being able to breathe, but it faded
in the rush, in that moment when instinct took over and my brain held no
control over my body.

I freefell, wings tucked in close, eyes wide open and mind blissfully
empty of thought, as was my chest, void of the haunting ache that usually
festered like an untreated wound. These moments were rare, when there
was no obligation to my race or threat of death or memories of those I’d
loved and lost. I cherished those brief, beautiful times.

And as always, this one was over too quickly.
Halfway back to Earth, I unfurled my wings, slowing my descent so I
didn’t pancake into the side of a mountain. Soaring over the peaks for
several miles, I dipped into the valley above Greenwich and glided low over
the modest town.

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