Betrothed to the Bandit by Amelia Smarts EPUB & PDF

Betrothed to the Bandit by Amelia Smarts EPUB & PDF

Betrothed to the Bandit by Amelia Smarts EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amelia Smarts
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Nevada, 1882
Dean Hunter slotted his Remington revolver into its holster and
observed the shattered glass of four bottles that he’d shot from a hundred

“I knew you were a good shot,” John said, slapping Dean’s back hard
enough to raise dust. They’d been out on the prairie for hours target
practicing and, between the two of them, Dean was the clear winner.
Dean strode toward their horses, which they’d tethered near Jasper
Creek. It was autumn, and the wind whistling through the trees down Snow
Mountain into the canyon was cold and damp. He walked fast to keep
himself warm, exhaling white clouds.

“You know what that means,” John said, jogging to keep up with
Dean’s long strides. “You’ve got to be the one to hold up the stagecoach on

“Yeah, I know,” Dean said, “but being good with a gun won’t matter
much. I don’t plan on shooting anyone.”
“As long as everything goes smoothly, that shouldn’t be necessary,”
John agreed. “Still, being able to shoot from a distance—that’ll come in
handy. You could shatter a wheel spoke, make Barnaby halt his horses
before anyone even sees you.”
“Not sure I like that idea,” Dean said. “People could be injured in the

Dean didn’t like the idea of robbing the stagecoach, period, but he
knew that either he or John needed to do it. On it were thousands of dollars
that belonged to the miners who worked for them in their co-owned Elkio
Gold Mine.

John had discovered some of the gold in the driver’s possession. He’d
figured out that Barnaby had driven the gold to Bells to exchange for paper
money and was transporting the currency back to Elkio in the carpetbags of
unsuspecting passengers on Friday’s coach.

They had to get it back. Their employees had earned that money,
which far exceeded their meager salary. John said, “However you hold up
the coach, don’t stick around too long. Remember, you only need to steal
the carpetbags. Barnaby will have sewed the cash into the seams. Any other
luggage can stay in the coach.”

Dean mounted his horse and waited for John to do the same. As they
trotted back to John’s cabin, Dean said over the clip-clopping of hooves,
“Quite a racket Barnaby has, using his stagecoach to transport stolen gold
and boodle.”

“Aye,” John said. “Too bad he doesn’t use his genius for good, like

Dean scoffed. “I’m hardly a genius. If I were, I wouldn’t agree to this
scheme and risk a hangman’s noose or decades in prison.”
“You’re the reason our miners found gold in the first place. If what
you invented isn’t genius, I don’t know what is.”

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