Before I Got Here by Blair Underwood EPUB & PDF

Before I Got Here by Blair Underwood EPUB & PDF

Before I Got Here by Blair Underwood EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Blair Underwood
  • Publish Date: October 25, 2005
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Relationship, Self-Help, Self-Esteem, Parenting
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 16 MB
  • Pages: 192
  • Price: Free
  • ISBN: 0743271491

My mother died when my son Brandon was just ve years old. We were
very close to her, and hers was a sudden death. I really struggled with
how I was going to tell Brandon that Nana had gone to Heaven. When I
picked him up from day care after her death, I just sat him down on my
lap and told him what had happened. My beautiful son leaned back and
looked up into my eyes with a look that conveyed What’s the big deal?

He said “Mommy, Nana isn
’t gone!! All you have
to do is rub your heart, and there she is!!” And
he demonstrated by rubbing his heart and giving me the most beautiful
smile ever. He was, and continues to be, the most precious and amazing
person in my life.
—JoAnne Villa

My youngest daughter, Kacie, and I were walking outside the
apartment one day, when we discovered a large group of
caterpillars in the middle of the street. While many others were
crawling around in the safe connes of the surrounding landscape,
these caterpillars in the street ran the risk of an untimely demise.
Kacie looked at me as an occasional vehicle
would go by,turning her head away so she

’t see one ofthose fuzzy little
crawlers meeting its end. As soon as the road was
clear we picked up and relocated as many of them as we could to a
safer haven.

Then we came across another amazing sight. Several of these
caterpillars had started their remarkable transformation of
becoming something even more beautiful. Many cocoons were
hanging from the eaves of the building on their way to becoming
butteries. To make a long story short, it was that look from my
daughter’s big, beautiful brown eyes that reminds me just how
precious life is. Even with all the hustle and bustle of our busy
adult lives, we all need to stop, look, and listen to what our
children’s souls are telling us.

—Terence McNulty
While getting ready for church one day, I was strapping on a
new pair of platform sandals (very vogue at the time). My
little three-year-old daughter, Truly, looked at me, and we
had the following conversation:
TRULY: Mommy, I like your shoes.
ME: Well, thank you, Truly.
TRULY: I used to have shoes like that.
ME: You did? When?
TRULY:Before I came to you.
ME: What do you mean, before you came to me?
TRULY: I was a mommy, too, before I came to you.

With that, she went scampering out of the room in search
of more things to explore. Needless to say, the hair on my
arms, legs, and back of my neck were standing straight up,
and they still do when I tell this story. She was always the
perfect little girl and still is the perfect daughter. A mommy
couldn’t wish for more, and she obviously learned
well in her other life as a mommy

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