Beautiful Villain by Rebecca Kenney EPUB & PDF

Beautiful Villain (GILDED MONSTERS #1) by Rebecca Kenney EPUB & PDF

Beautiful Villain (GILDED MONSTERS #1) by Rebecca Kenney EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rebecca Kenney
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

The flash of green light from my phone is tempting me.
I should be asleep. Ever since I graduated from UNC, I’ve been staying
up way too late. It’s after 2:00 a.m., and I already told myself I was done for
the night.

The ceiling fan glides soundlessly overhead, round and round, big, leafshaped paddles pushing the artificially chill air through the room. I stare at
it, pointedly ignoring that seductive text notification.

No more phone, Daisy. No more scrolling through social media checking
up on everyone I know, all the faces of people I used to see every day who
have abruptly scattered to this city and that, thrilled to start their exciting
new jobs. No one warns you how much it hurts when the people you
studied with, ate with, and partied with for four years are just—gone.
Me? I’m taking a gap year. Or a gap summer, I guess. My parents said I
could come home for a few months and rest before I start looking for a job
and an apartment.

I haven’t told them yet how much I hated college, how close I came to
failing. How terrified I am of forging my own path. There’s an empty,
echoing hollow inside me where my life plan should be, and it’s not a place
I like to visit.

The distraction of my phone could help me with that, could stop me
wondering why, oh why I chose to be a communication studies major.
Because I didn’t know what the hell else to do, that’s why.
For a while in high school, I wanted to be a lawyer—the kind that
actually helps people who are suffering. I thought I’d join the debate team,
get some experience, maybe major in pre-law. But my mild-mannered,
easygoing dad shut down the debate team idea so hard, I never brought it up

“Our voices have power, Daisy,” he told me. “And I want yours to be
heard, but in the right way. You’ve got to be careful how you use it.”
He wouldn’t say any more on the subject. But it felt like a weird echo of
things my grandma used to tell me when I was really little, before she
passed. “You’ve got the gift of persuasion, ladybug. It’ll only get stronger
as you grow.”

She always seemed as if she wanted expand on the topic, but my dad
would hustle back into the room, asking brightly what we’d been talking
about. He never left the two of us alone very long.

That’s as weird as my family gets, so I guess I’m lucky. Except for the
fact that my dad’s veto of the debate team and his clear aversion to the idea
of me being a lawyer left me with a bland, all-but-useless major, and I don’t
know what to fucking do with it.

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