Beast & Bossy by Mia Mara EPUB & PDF

Beast & Bossy (BOULDER BILLIONAIRES #3) by Mia Mara EPUB & PDF

Beast & Bossy (BOULDER BILLIONAIRES #3) by Mia Mara EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mia Mara
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5 MB
  • Price: Free

My suit clung to my damp skin and I couldn’t wait to take it off and
lay naked in an air-conditioned room.

The lush, green mountains of Hawaii filled the horizon and a
welcomed light gray cloud blocked out the harsh rays of the sun. A
mistiness hung in the air as the crowd mingled and laughed beneath the
swaying palm trees, Wade and Ray, my friends, beaming for the wedding

Cocktail hour was swiftly coming to a close. Music hummed softly
from the speakers as I clutched my icy glass of the fruity cocktail Ray had
decided on for their signature beverage. It was too warm and humid to drink
anything that wasn’t chilled.

I should have brought a guest.
I didn’t know many of the attendees. Men and women flitted about in
their weather-appropriate gowns or linen suits, their faces new and
vanishing in my mind within seconds. Wade and Ray—the bride and groom
—were the only two I knew fairly well. Wade’s step-brother had been a
close friend of mine for years until becoming the dumpster fire that kicked
off almost a year ago, incinerating anyone he got close to.
After the photographer finally lowered her camera that had been trained
on the bride and groom for what felt like hours, I decided I’d take the
chance to speak to Ray and Wade.

Pushing myself up straight from the too-high cocktail table, I plucked a
peeled shrimp from the centerpiece and popped it into my mouth before
walking toward the happy couple. Their son, Alex, was somewhere in the
crowd of people with Ray’s mom. If I didn’t get to them first, lord knows
they’d go straight to their kid.
I was bored as hell and needed some interaction.

“Guys!” I called out, my dress shoes crossing the threshold from solid
concrete to mushy, plush grass. I had no idea how Ray was standing on it in
her heels, but she never failed to impress me.

Ray’s smile grew as I stepped closer. “Hunter! I’m sorry we didn’t get
the chance to see you before the ceremony,” she said. Her fingers fisted the
lace of her dress, lifting it above the grass so it wouldn’t drag as she and
Wade met me halfway.

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