Be Less Panda (DASHFORD #3) by Suzanne Lissaman EPUB & PDF

Be Less Panda (DASHFORD #3) by Suzanne Lissaman EPUB & PDF

Be Less Panda (DASHFORD #3) by Suzanne Lissaman EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Suzanne Lissaman
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Em was in her usual location for a Thursday morning: sitting at the desk by
the Aga in Dashford Grange’s kitchen, updating the holiday cottage booking
A pinging sound from her phone interrupted her. Another text from her
husband, Jack. She was finding it hard enough to concentrate this morning
without more interruptions. She read the message:
Have you told her yet?

Em replied
No. She’s still not back.
She sent a second text, hoping it would stop him asking her again:
Nancy often stays for a drink at the Fisherman’s Arms
after her wild swimming session.
Three dots appeared.
Ok – let me know when she knows xx
Em sighed.

I will – I haven’t forgotten that’s what we agreed.
That could come across as a bit terse, her inner voice warned her. She
added a smiley emoji and a couple of Xs before pressing the send arrow.
Em tapped her fingers on the desk. She’d allow herself one more look
before she went back to processing this week’s new bookings. She bent
down to her bag and pulled out the small folder containing a flimsy piece of
paper. She smiled at the fuzzy black-and-white image. You’re going to wear
it out at this rate. She photographed it with her phone so she’d be able to
look at it there in future. The original could go in an album when she got
home this afternoon.

It was funny how this little piece of paper finally made it seem real.
Ever since that blue line had appeared on the pregnancy test, it had felt like
a dream. Now, with a bit of luck, she was going to be a mother by the end
of the summer.

‘Hello!’ Her boss, Nancy, walked into the kitchen. ‘And how are you
this morning?’
‘I’m fine, thanks.’
‘You seem on edge. Anything you want to tell me?’
Em swore Nancy was psychic. ‘Yes, I have, actually. Jack and I – we’re,
umm …’

She’d rehearsed this so many times. Why was it so difficult to say it out
loud? ‘We’re going to be parents.’
Nancy grinned. ‘End of August, by any chance?’
Em laughed. ‘My due date is 24th August. How did you know?’
‘You’ve been looking peaky since Christmas, and you hardly drank
anything at your wedding. Olivia’s thrilled.’

Olivia was Jack’s mother and also Nancy’s oldest and closest friend.
‘But we haven’t told Olivia yet.’

If Jack had said anything to Olivia before the 13-week scan, she’d have
told everyone “in the strictest confidence” and Em didn’t want anyone to
know until her pregnancy stood a reasonable chance of going full-term.
‘I’m sure she’ll pretend to be surprised when Jack breaks the news.
When is he telling her?’ Nancy asked.

‘When I text him to say I’ve told you,’ Em said, picking up her phone.
‘I’ll make us some tea to celebrate.’
Em smiled. Nancy’s answer to everything was a hot cup of Earl Grey.
Em tapped out a message to Jack.

Your mum already knows – Nancy guessed weeks ago! xx
His reply was almost instant:
Really?? Xx

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