Banic by Mina Carter EPUB & PDF


Banic (ALIEN BERSERKERS OF IZAEA #1) by Mina Carter EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mina Carter
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 9.6 MB
  • Price: Free

They had arrived—her first alien planet.
Beth stood at the window, gazing down at Parac’Norr spread
out below her with eager eyes. The massive Izaean starship had entered
orbit five minutes ago, and she couldn’t tear herself away from the view.
The planet’s surface was a patchwork of harsh deserts, lush forests, and
towering mountains, but… it was beautiful. Utterly beautiful. Its stark and
dangerous beauty called to something deep within her.

As if she’d come home, despite being born halfway across the galaxy.
She blinked, the realization that she’d traveled halfway across the
galaxy hitting her all at once, and she shivered. She’d come halfway across
the galaxy on a ship full of aliens with their version of homicidal rage.

All on her own.
She wasn’t sure if that was brave or just suicidal.
Eager to get started on her research, she was more than ready to leave
the ship, homicidal aliens notwithstanding. Isan, the ship’s captain, had
assured her of her safety on Parac’Norr. As the son of the Izaean leader, and
married—sorry mated, she corrected herself—she’d believed his word
could be trusted.

She found it odd that she was confined to a single level, though, only
seeing Isan during his visits. But one level of a ship this size was plenty. It
was so big she panted when she walked from one end to the other, and the
spa facilities were to die for. Between swimming, indulging in the fabulous
food that appeared in her dining room, and researching everything she
could find about the Izaeans and their genetic Blood Rage mutation, she’d
managed to keep herself occupied. She hadn’t even noticed the time

The comm crackled to life, filling the air with Isan’s rich baritone. “Dr.
Godwin, we have arrived at Parac’Norr. Kindly gather your belongings and
meet me at the port elevator. We will be taking a shuttle down to the

She suppressed a shiver at the deep notes of his voice. “Of course,
Captain. I’ll be there in a moment.”
Did all Latharians have such deep, evocative voices, she mused, or was
it a trait of the Izaean mutation itself?

With one final glance out the window, she grabbed her two small bags
and headed for the door. Fortunately, she always traveled light, which
meant she didn’t have much to carry as she hurried down the central
corridor toward the elevators. The doors had been locked during the trip, so
she was pleased when they slid open as she approached.

Isan was waiting inside for her, his heavily muscled arms crossed over
his broad chest as he leaned against the back wall. He blinked in surprise at
her minimal luggage, his slitted pupils narrowing as he took in the two
small bags she carried.

“Is that all the luggage you brought?”
She shrugged, the movement making one strap slip. She grabbed it
before the bag could hit the floor. “I don’t need much. Just my equipment
and a few changes of clothes.”

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