Bad Boy Best Friend by Hope Ford EPUB & PDF

Bad Boy Best Friend by Hope Ford EPUB & PDF

Bad Boy Best Friend by Hope Ford EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Hope Ford
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Women’s Romance Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I’ve just finished unpacking my suitcase. All my clothes are in the closet
and everything from my boxes is now in the drawers of my old room I
grew up in. It’s the last thing I could find to do with myself to stall for more
time. I need to come up with an explanation. Looking around at the twin size
bed, rock band posters and all the pictures on the walls, it’s full of memories.
Mom and Dad have kept it the same, even after me being away at college for
four years. I sit on the bed and pick up the picture from my nightstand. The
girl staring back at me seems so different than the one I am today. It was at
my graduation and I had my arms around my best friend, Austin. We were so
happy that day. If you’d told me then that we would go this long without
seeing each other, I would have thought you were a liar. I set the picture
down and stare at my phone.

There’s no way Austin is going to understand that I came into town three
days ago and still haven’t said a word to him. He has no idea I’m here. But
even with all the stalling, I still don’t know what I’m going to say to him. It’s
actually a miracle that he hasn’t heard yet. It’s a small town and with that,
everyone knows everyone’s business. I figured the minute I stepped back into
town, it would be all anyone talked about, but somehow I’ve managed to
avoid all the gossip. Probably because I’ve been hiding out at my parents’

But now is the time. I’m to the point now that I have to tell him, I have to let
him know. If Austin finds out from someone else, it’s going to rub him the
wrong way and I can’t blame him for that. If the roles were reversed, I’d be
hurt and ticked off, and well, he doesn’t deserve that.
Sure, it’s been over a year since we last saw each other, but we still talk on
the phone all the time and normally text a few times a week. It used to be
much more than that, but my now ex fiancé was pretty intimidated where
Austin was concerned, and so I’ve cut back a little on the texting.

Staring at Austin’s last text message on my phone, which was from
yesterday, I type out a dozen different text messages only to delete them.
“Screw it,” I finally say and decide to just keep it simple. I can do the
explanations later.

Hey Austin! Just thought I should mention to ya, I’m back home.
I hit the send button before I can overthink it more than I already have.

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