Axing For Trouble (GOOD WITH HIS HANDS: SEASON 2) by Jessa Joy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Jessa Joy
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
The bell over the door of the hardware store rings. With a grunt, I move to
the back of the store. Don’t want to get caught up in any bullshit
conversation with one of the town gossips on a stinkin’ hot afternoon like
today. No patience. My CO always said that was my weak spot.
In the past, I’d shoot the shit with the owner of this place when I picked
up supplies. But now his nephew is running it and he’s a fucking weasel.
Although weasels are resourceful creatures and this guy has all the
resources of a muddy puddle. He’s tried to overcharge me a couple of times
and he’s also swindled Mrs. Tremolo. She’s a good customer of mine and
was bewildered by how much the cost of her supplies had increased. So I’m
here to get her a refund, get myself a blade, and give the weasel a piece of
my mind. Locating the replacement blade for my bow saw, I hold it up to
the light, checking to see if it’s intact.
Then it hits me. A scent you don’t normally associate with hardware
stores, which smell of metal, grease and paints. Breathing in the heady mix
of rose and spices, the perfume stops me right in my tracks. My heart is
thumping, my adrenaline spiking, every sense on fire. It’s as if I’ve been
thrown back twenty years and I’m hunting down a target.
Except tracking a target didn’t mean all the blood drained from my head
straight to my dick. Adjusting my pants, I blink a couple of times. Who the
hell is this woman whose scent is provoking such an immediate, powerful
effect on me? What if it’s some old lumberjack who’s accidentally spilled
his wife’s perfume on his shirt before coming out here? A laugh rumbles
deep in my chest and I cough to cover it up.
Light footsteps walk up to the counter and I follow the sound, keeping
cover behind a display of safety goggles.
“Excuse me?” A sweet, high voice, like a bird’s trill.
“How can I help you lil’ lady?” The manager sounds extra smooth.
Probably rubbing his hands together. Prick.
“Um, I’ve just moved into a cabin and–”
“Here in Snowflake?”
“Yes. Well, not in town. Up on the eastern side of the mountain. I’ve
come to get supplies. The place I bought isn’t quite how I expected it to
“Drafty? Roof leaking?” The glee in the manager’s tone is obvious.
“I’m not sure yet. I guess I’ll wait until it rains. Then I’ll probably be
back here! But I need some white paint and brushes, and a hammer.”
“No problem. Let me get that for you, darlin’.” The squeak of his
polished shoes on the floor has her stepping back. I sneak a glance out from
the edge of the display.
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