Ava Greasemonkey (PLANET XAI #1) by Alissa Lace EPUB & PDF

Ava Greasemonkey (PLANET XAI #1) by Alissa Lace EPUB & PDF

Ava Greasemonkey (PLANET XAI #1) by Alissa Lace EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Alissa Lace
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.6 MB
  • Price: Free

“. . . Rotation Two on the deck.” The blaring announcement reverberated
through Ava’s room from the overhead intercom, waking her up.
She groaned, rolling over on her small pallet bed.
The rotations happened every four hours, and almost every time they
blared she woke up startled and with her ears ringing. There weren’t
rotations in the engine room, so why the announcements were blasted down
here into this hall made little sense.

The intercom went static, then cut out with a click. Dust motes floated
overhead while Ava counted the tiles lining her sleeping quarters.
Rubbing her face, she looked over at her nightstand and wrinkled her
nose at the faded, worn picture of a smiling blonde Human.
“Good morning, Joy,” Ava muttered, voice still clogged with sleep.
The faded image stared back with blue eyes and a vibrant smile, silent as

Ava put her hand over her stomach as it rumbled. She looked away to
grab the com watch she had set down next to the photo.
How long was I out? Ava glanced at the time on the receiver. Six hours
had passed, almost half a cycle. She was so tired she must have slept
through the previous intercom announcement.

Ava strapped her com watch to her wrist, stood up, and stretched, unable
to remember the last time she’d slept that long. She could usually only
manage catnaps due to the lack of darkness. The lights never turned off
down in the engine hall.

Walking barefoot outside her room, she eyed the control panel of the
navigation substation next to her small alcove. It looked exactly the same as
when Ava went down for her sleep cycle. Her eyes narrowed, inspecting the
thin layer of dust that had settled on it despite the filtration units.
She let out a huff, frustrated.

Ebel’s slacking. The panel hadn’t been touched at all. She spent all day
yesterday greasing the gears on the west side of the engine at his request,
and he didn’t do any of his assigned work. She didn’t really care if the work
got done, but if she needed to do her chores it was only fair Ebel did the
same. The clipboard she left on the control panel for him also hadn’t moved
from where she placed it over a cycle ago.

Ava picked the clipboard up and flipped through the pages in annoyance.
She would need to hand-deliver her notes instead of expecting him to come
out to get them.

She stood motionless and silent for a minute, listening to the engine grind
overhead. Nothing sounded out of place as the gears slid fluidly on their
tracks. Even with the minor repairs neglected, the engine was so well oiled
it still ran smoothly.

Ava’s eyes narrowed again as her gaze landed on the biologics, sensing
something was off. The tiny creatures lived in a giant tank situated between
the two halves of the engine. Bubbles swirled throughout the yellowishtinted liquid in the tank, but they were moving slower than usual.

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