Astral Odyssey by Virgil Knightley EPUB & PDF

Astral Odyssey by Virgil Knightley EPUB & PDF

Astral Odyssey by Virgil Knightley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Virgil Knightley
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Men’s Adventure Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.1 MB
  • Price: Free

THE SECOND OF THE twin suns set on the horizon. With that, the air
cooled considerably, and Dorian Hawke wiped a streak of sweat from his
brow. Sunset had found him hanging up laundry for the innkeeper, Grouse,
exactly like he had been this time the day before. And before that. And that.

He didn’t resent it. Well, not much. Not really. The denizens of the
feudal estate and its residents had been kind to him since he was a boy. So
long as anyone could say, he had been an orphan with no claim to any
family, but there were those who tried to make him feel welcome, or at least
like he belonged on some level. Grouse was one of them.

Growing up without family meant he often filled in for tasks with
various folks around the Clemmen estate, gaining competency in a wide
variety of jobs. If a net needed mending for a fisherman, he was willing to
lend a hand. If a field needed plowing, he could do that too. If the
blacksmith needed someone to really hammer out the shape of a sword
because his rheumatism was acting up, then Dorian was his man. Hell, he
even helped some of the knights up at the castle spar to keep them limber
thrice a week, just in case of a raider attack or gods forbid, one of the king’s
many enemies declared war.

As it happened, he was quite good at…well, all of it. He took to every
task like a duck to a pond, gaining proficiency in record time. As such, his
fellow denizens of the estate weren’t shy about asking for his help.
He could hear all their voices now, taking him for granted whether they
meant to or not. “Dorian, m’lad, Tilda’s thrown out her back. Would you
mind helping us out with dinner up at the manor?”

“Dorian! So good to see you! Actually you’re just the young man I
wanted to see! Would you mind helping my husband tan his leathers today?
He’s got a big order coming in next week.”

“Dorian, boy, there’s a tournament up at the capital this weekend, and I
need you to help me bring my jousting up to the next level. Mind putting on
that armor and letting me wail on you for a few hours?”
“Sure,” he’d said with a smile and a hidden sigh—to all of them.
Because that was him. Helpful Dorian.

Grouse had a bit more gratitude than most. He even let Dorian live in
the backroom of the inn, and had been strongly hinting that if he played his
cards right, he, Dorian Hawke, might be looking at a fulfilling career as a
stableboy or, dare he dream, even a bouncer throwing out the drunken
fishermen after lights out.
Which was…great…he guessed.

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