Assassin’s Heart by Isabel West EPUB & PDF

Assassin’s Heart (AGENTS OF COMMAND #1) by Isabel West EPUB & PDF

Assassin’s Heart (AGENTS OF COMMAND #1) by Isabel West EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Isabel West
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.5 MB
  • Price: Free

“Strip,” Jack Zheng said.
Kathleen stared at him, fighting to keep her expression neutral,
fingernails digging into her palms. Jack, dressed in an expensive suit
that didn’t quite fit him, pinched his mouth in impatience. She thought it a
fine show of restraint that she didn’t immediately punch him in the nose.
Given he was the owner of the Imperial Silk Palace and Kathleen needed
to get this job as a waitress, restraint was for the best. Still, she was
applying for a waitressing job, not one of the many stripping jobs the Palace
also had open. It could have been a mix-up.

“I thought this job was for a waitress?” Kathleen turned it into a
question, hoping he’d find it less threatening. Men usually did, if you made
yourself sound uncertain.

“So it is,” Jack replied. “And yet many of the girls quickly realize what
good money they can make. And I like all of my girls to put on a good
show.” The way he eyed her made her skin crawl. “Strip,” he repeated.
Kathleen dropped her gaze from him before she betrayed herself. She’d
done worse things in the name of the job. This was absolutely not going
down in the report, though, or she would be hearing the jibes for months.
She shrugged out of her jacket, dragging her movements like she was a
little reluctant.

“I haven’t got all day,” Jack said right on cue.
Deliberately biting her lip, Kathleen pulled her t-shirt over her head,
bundling it in her hands as if trying to cover herself. Jack gestured,
preemptively, to her jeans. After a pause, she unbuttoned them and slid
them down around her ankles, stepping out of them. It left her in matching
panties and bra, both black and lacy. She had been prepared for this. Even
so, she hated it.

Jack’s eyes traveled over Kathleen. It wasn’t the normal way men looked
at her, but it was a familiar gaze. Like she was a commodity, and he was
evaluating how much he could sell her for. “Turn around.”

Once more, Kathleen thought she showed extreme restraint in not
punching him in the nose. She did as asked, staring at the far wall, trying
hard not to imagine which parts of her he was ogling—and trying not to
imagine him pulling out a gun while her back was turned. This was
definitely up there as a part of a job that she hated, but it was better than
sitting by and watching, helpless. She preferred to be the one in danger.
“What’s your name?”

It was mostly true. Her first name was Kathleen, but she hated being
called Kat. Most officers on the job called her by her surname, Harper. For
the purposes of undercover work, though, a name she’d react to
automatically was important.

“All right. You start now.”
“Now?” Kathleen didn’t have to feign that surprise.
“Go and see Lisa. There’s a uniform, but there should be spares in the
back room.”

Kathleen gathered her clothes and got dressed. Only once she left his
office did she dare to breathe a sigh and let the excitement wash over her.
She was in.

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