Ascendant King (THE EMPTY THRONE TRILOGY #3) by Kai Butler EPUB & PDF

Ascendant King (THE EMPTY THRONE TRILOGY #3) by Kai Butler EPUB & PDF

Ascendant King (THE EMPTY THRONE TRILOGY #3) by Kai Butler EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kai Butler
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

The wooden walls came alive with magic. Tattoos covered every single
surface, the dark lines of them branding the wood.
I grunted, sprinting for the one safe spot in the enormous, empty

As I slid under the table, even that began to glow, a long braid of tattoo
dropping down, pinning my arm to the ground. It coiled, then began
crawling up, until it reached my head. When it hissed into my ear, I realized
it wasn’t a tattoo at all but Basil in his inky form.
Do you think either of us is going to let you get away with it? His
tongue flicked against my ear.

I glanced at him, then smirked, reaching up and peeling him off my
skin. The sentient magic came loose, and he hissed, wrapping himself
around my wrists, but I was faster.
“Too slow, Basil.”
Flipping his tail around the table leg, I pulled it tight, leaving him tied

“Wrong.” Cade blazed in the center of the room, his hands open, fingers
spread. He grinned fiercely. His blue eyes flared, two supernovas in the
The room went silent, except for my panting breath. Cade raised one of
his hands, a tsunami of ink peeling off the walls, headed straight for me.
I didn’t wait.

My shift came instantly, my bones cracking, skin growing fur, my entire
body different by the time I slid low, coming close to him, ducking under
the wave of magic. It singed my fur, taking off enough that I could smell the
burning in my nostrils. Under my feet, the ground shivered and shook, and I
didn’t need to turn to look to see there was a crater where the center of the
room used to be.

My teeth grabbed hold of Cade’s pants, yanking on the leg so hard that
he went down, his head hitting the wooden floor with a resounding crack.
He hissed, sounding not unlike Basil for a moment. I was above him, my
mouth open, a long drip of spittle landing on his neck.
He winced away, glaring up at me. I felt something tighten around my
throat, wrapping twice before it began to burn.

Yelping, I fell back, trying to paw at whatever it was. But it was hard for
me to hold on to magic in my wolf form. I could grip it with my teeth, but I
needed my hands to tear it loose from my skin.

Shifting into my human form, I pulled the magic from around my neck.
It burned like acid, taking pieces of skin with it. When I threw it to the side,
it landed with a splat, my blood wet on the polished floor.

I could feel blood dripping down my chest, covering the bramble of
Cade’s tattoos still on my skin. Panting, I grinned at him. “I got you.”
“Your pronouns are wrong. I got you.” Cade walked to the side of the
room, picking up a gym towel and drying his face.

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