As White as Snow (DAMAGED DEVILS #13) by Charity Parkerson EPUB & PDF

As White as Snow (DAMAGED DEVILS #13) by Charity Parkerson EPUB & PDF

As White as Snow (DAMAGED DEVILS #13) by Charity Parkerson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Charity Parkerson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Price: Free

SWEAT ROLLED DOWN QUENTIN’S body. His muscles burned. He
didn’t stop. With his entire mind locked on his task, he lifted his full weight
repeatedly on the parallel bars inside his home gym. He had lost count of
how many times he strained against the bars, punishing his body. It didn’t
matter. He wouldn’t stop until he felt stronger. Months of nonstop training
had him walking again—for the most part. His body felt more like his than
it had in a long time. Quentin had to stay focused on anything at all except
the ghosts of the past. The ones that haunted him.

“You need to shower if you plan to make the charity benefit on time.”
Quentin dropped his feet to the ground at Adam’s reminder. His longtime
butler kept Quentin on a schedule. Otherwise, Quentin would never
remember anything. For a moment, Quentin held still. He didn’t release the
bars. It was always an adventure seeing if his legs would hold him after a
workout. He breathed a sigh of relief when no spasms took out his knees.
Quentin needed his wheelchair less often all the time. There had been years
when he never expected to walk again. Now rage drove his every step. It
was funny what heartbreak could drive a man to do.

Quentin headed for the bathroom. He tried avoiding his reflection. His dark
hair still grayed at the temples. His blue eyes still looked dead. Love had
done that. It had broken him. Quentin’s body looked better than it did back
when he wanted to believe Snow had loved him too. Now Snow was gone,
and Quentin never knew what to believe anymore. Of all the betrayals he
had suffered in his life, none had cut so deep.

He tried pushing Snow from his thoughts as he showered. Quentin had gone
over the night he had kicked Snow from the house a million times. Half of
those times, he questioned if he had been right. Except Snow had let
assassins into their home. Worse than that, he had seduced Quentin that
night. He had claimed to love Quentin. Now he didn’t know if anything at
all between them had been real… or just a distraction. That was a real blow
to his pride, considering Snow was the man Quentin had secretly loved for
nearly a decade. Now all those memories were tainted. Some days, it felt
like he had nothing left.

Unfortunately, Quentin couldn’t forget the ten years they had spent together
before that horrible night. Sometimes, the good outweighed the bad,
crushing his heart with the knowledge they were done. Other times, he
couldn’t forget the way he felt when he realized what Snow had done. His
heart was still every bit as broken on those days, knowing they were done.

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