Apollo’s Courtesan by Amanda Meuwissen EPUB & PDF

Apollo’s Courtesan (LOVERS OF THE GODS #1.5) by Amanda Meuwissen EPUB & PDF

Apollo’s Courtesan (LOVERS OF THE GODS #1.5) by Amanda Meuwissen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amanda Meuwissen
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I FOUND DAX IN the mortal courtyard, as it was sometimes called, since
surrounding it were many quarters for favored mortals chosen by the gods. It
was as beautiful as any other courtyard on Olympus, with marble pillars
surrounding it, lush greenery, intricately carved statues, and benches with
plush pillows where our guests might lounge and enjoy the perfect weather. It
only ever rained on Olympus if a god was in mourning.

I had caused a downpour or two myself.
I did not make my presence known right away. I hovered, hiding behind
one of the pillars, to watch Dax in the company of others. He was beautiful of
course, as any who ascended from acolyte to courtesan would be, tall and
strong and bronzed tanner than even I. A lover of my domain and more
beautiful for it but never burned. Auburn hair spilled about his shoulders, and
dark, deep brown eyes kept the attention of all mortals—and gods—who
looked upon them.

Just as those eyes had kept my attention last night.
We’d walked through the salon first, enjoying food and wine, but
eventually tread to the edges of it and beyond, where we could be alone.
Clever Aikos had dressed Dax in a one-shoulder chiton dyed similarly to my
own robes. We were a match in more ways than one, but as full of hope as I
felt in Dax’s presence, something I had not known in ages until I glimpsed a
possible future with him through Aikos’s eyes, I still had doubts.
My frigid heart could scarcely remember what it was like to be set aflame
without eventually having its embers smothered. I wanted my doubts to be
proven wrong, and so I started with learning about the bronze beauty beside


“Tell me, Dax, about your life before Aphrodite’s temple, about what
brought you there, and about your time there too, so I might begin to know

He was slow to find his tongue, something I assumed he usually had no
trouble with, as courtesans were well-versed in how to use them. I found his
stumbles charming, however, because it proved his heart was genuine.

And I did not like liars.
Dax recounted his childhood and all I had asked of him, including meeting
Aikos and their fierce friendship. But when he reached his ascension and his
time with the high priest who’d chosen him, he admitted disappointment that
the love he’d longed for hadn’t been found.
“Because love is what you seek most in life?” I’d asked, reaffirming his

We had paused on a balcony overlooking the world below. The sun, my
sun, had finished its trek across the sky some time ago, and the stars above
were a canopy of diamonds. Tears of the gods, some mortals called both stars
and their gemstone cousins.

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