An Alien Mate For Christmas by Melody Beckett EPUB & PDF

An Alien Mate For Christmas by Melody Beckett EPUB & PDF

An Alien Mate For Christmas by Melody Beckett EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Melody Beckett
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

In a long line of bad luck I seemed to attract like a magnet, this had to take
the cake. I swore as my little car lurched and spluttered to a halt on the
quiet country road, shuddering to a stop with two wheels resting off the
narrow road in the snow. My breath fogged in the cold air—the heater had
packed it in the week before—as I turned the key in the ignition, whispering
a prayer.

Nothing happened.
“Come on,” I pleaded. I released the key and then tried again. This time
the engine turned over once before it spluttered into silence, the headlights
flickering off to leave me sitting in the dark. I sighed, slumping forward to
rest my head against the steering wheel, my breath misting in front of my

December in Ireland was hardly a tropical paradise.
I should have taken the car in to be fixed when the heater stopped
working, but on a hotel receptionist’s wages, I didn’t have any spare money
for car repairs. Besides, I was saving every bit of money I could. The little
Volvo had been my grandmother’s car, and I wasn’t ready to get rid of it.
Not yet. Funny how I’d ended up in the same small town I had wanted to
escape. I wanted to travel—to get away from the memories—but I needed
money to make it happen.

And without money, I was as stuck as the Volvo that refused to go.
I made a half-hearted attempt to start the car once more, unsurprised
when the engine didn’t even whisper.
I gave up and reached across to grab my bag from the passenger seat,
fishing inside for my phone. The screen was black, the battery dead. Of
course it was.

I peered out of the fogging window into the dark of the night. There was
nothing for it but to walk. I suppressed a shiver that wasn’t entirely because
of the cold.

Don’t be afraid. It’s not like anything ever happens around here. Just
walk home and have a nice cup of tea to warm up when you get there.
Pushing the door open with a squeak of hinges, I clambered out into the
frosty night air. A gust of wind whipped a flurry of snow around my legs,
and I shivered harder—this time because of the cold—and pulled my coat
tighter around me. I slung my bag over my shoulder and tugged on a knitted
hat and mittens.

Gran had given them to me for Christmas the year before. They’d been
her last gift to me before she’d died. Hand-knitted in white wool with a
motif of red and green stars, they reminded me of nights sitting around the
fire reading while she knitted. I’d lived with her for the last three years
while I worked at the hotel, saving for my trip.

I missed my gran dearly. My chest tightened, and I blinked rapidly to
clear tears from my eyes. She wouldn’t want me to stop living. She’d ask
me what I was still doing here, and tell me to take the trip I’d always
dreamed of.

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