Amy Perry’s Assumptions By Laura Starkey EPUB & PDF

Amy Perry’s Assumptions By Laura Starkey EPUB & PDF

Amy Perry’s Assumptions By Laura Starkey EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Authors: Laura Starkey
  • Publish Date: 10 January 2023
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Death and Grief
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Pages: 329 pages
  • Price: Free

‘One for the road,’ Kit announced, plonking a cocktail down on the table in
front of Amy. They were in a dimly lit Mayfair bar that seemed to be ninety
per cent mirror. Almost every surface was shiny – made of glass, granite or
some polished metal that meant you had to look at yourself from a new
angle each time you moved your head.

The place was heaving, which wasn’t surprising given it was Saturday
night. Everyone in here was tall, slender, attractive and well dressed – no
doubt because anyone with a normal amount of appearance-based insecurity
wouldn’t be able to stand more than a few minutes of constant confrontation
with their own reflection.

While catching sight of herself every few seconds wasn’t exactly
enjoyable, Amy did like the fact that most people in this place were far
more interested in themselves than others. In that sense it was rather like a
mini London: a sea of individuals pursuing independent courses who, quite
frankly, had neither the time nor inclination to wonder who you were or
where you were going. She liked the anonymity this afforded: the freedom
to wander the city streets alone and unencumbered.

‘Kit,’ Amy moaned as he sat down opposite her. ‘You said you were going
to the gents! I was supposed to head home almost an hour ago. Also, this
place is really starting to get to me … I think I need to do some sort of poreminimising face mask, or maybe get one of those electric toning wands that
shrink your jowls.’

‘You do not have jowls,’ Kit said, rolling his eyes. ‘And your pores are
fine. Now drink up and stop complaining. It’s weeks since I’ve seen you
properly, and it’s your birthday eve! We’re supposed to be celebrating.’
Amy pulled her glass further towards her and assessed its contents. The
heavy-bottomed tumbler was full of orange liquid, its sugared edge
garnished with lime and a lurid red cherry.

The drink smelled sweet but
strong: cloyingly alcoholic. ‘Mai Tai?’ she guessed, lifting the glass.
‘Got it in one,’ Kit said, clinking his martini against it. Amy sipped her
drink, enjoying the burn-y sensation that bloomed in her throat as multiple
spirits slipped down it.
‘So, what’s Hugh got planned for you tomorrow? Assuming he doesn’t bin
you off for being back late, obviously.’

Amy cringed and took another gulp of Mai Tai. Kit and Hugh didn’t
particularly like one another, and neither bothered to make a secret of the
fact. Kit was Amy’s best friend: they’d hit it off eight years ago on her first
day at Howard-Knight Publishing, where all three of them worked.
Kit suspected that Hugh was unhappy about how close they were, despite
Kit’s dating life mostly involving buff guys he met at the gym.

Amy refused to admit it, Kit wasn’t far wrong. In truth, Hugh was
uncomfortable with Kit’s obvious hotness. He looked a lot like the guy who
played the Duke of Hastings in the first season of Bridgerton – and
although she’d never felt even slightly attracted to him, he was, objectively
speaking, very pretty indeed.
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