Always Falling Behind by Beth Gelman EPUB & PDF

Always Falling Behind by Beth Gelman EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Beth Gelman
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

My dilapidated, once-red Toyota Corolla shuddered under the weight
of all the belongings I had stuffed into its every available space. Audible
sounds creaked from the suspension while I threw myself on the trunk lid,
securing it shut for a journey I couldn’t have imagined I’d be taking. First, a
call from a lawyer who claims I am the sole living person in a family line
dating from 1832, then having to notify my less than stellar boss, bosses
actually, that I have to leave immediately to claim an inheritance from
someone like me could never be responsible enough to accept. My name
may be Abigail Farnsworth-Burton, but my AFB initials spell out my actual
life, “Always Falling Behind.”

I looked at my apartment building, one last time vacillating from what
was great about this opportunity to obstacles known and unknown. I opened
the driver’s door and, when my tush hit the torn, black leather seat, I
slammed the door, desperately trying to keep my shit together. In truth, my
mood matched the weather perfectly—gloomy. The impossible task ahead
of me was well beyond my capacity. With no one in the world to guide me,
I put my car in drive and headed out of the run-down apartment building
parking lot and prayed to God that taking this risk would be better than the
pathetic life I was currently living.

The address the lawyer provided was several states away from where I’d
been living. Once a Detroiter, I moved to Chicago with a friend, Seneca, to
help her dad start a grocery store. My skills, or lack thereof, didn’t give me
many opportunities for other occupations, so I figured, “Why not,” and
made a move. It wasn’t that I didn’t have potential; I did. My high school art
teacher, Mrs. Rose, said I was a gifted artist in many mediums, but what she
didn’t tell me was that my inability to focus on one thing at a time would be
a lifetime nemesis.

At the persistent urgings of my teacher, my aunt finally
agreed to get me some counseling. After countless surveys and emotional
tests, Dr. Hastings proclaimed I had ADHD. Yes, the dreaded Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder millions of people like me struggle with

“That doctor is a crackpot and has no idea what he’s talking about.
Besides, who does he think will be paying for all those medications he
insisted you needed?” My aunt blustered the whole ride home from that
appointment. Did I need medication? Wasn’t I doing okay in school? Sure, I
was scatterbrained at times, but I was a teenager! We all were that way.

As I entered the I-90 Expressway toward Mystic, Connecticut, my engine
rattled in retaliation for the high speeds it was usually not forced to take.
Dolton, Illinois, was not known for its extended infrastructure; therefore,
“Little Red” didn’t have to exert herself often.

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