Always Been You by Kait Nolan EPUB & PDF

Always Been You by Kait Nolan EPUB & PDF

Always Been You by Kait Nolan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kait Nolan
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Historical Romances
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Great Aunt Finola was dead.
Bellamy Chase could hardly believe it. The woman had survived being
struck by lightning, for God’s sake. Bellamy knew. She’d been there to be
traumatized by the event. Who would’ve thought Finola would finally be
taken out by something so commonplace as a stroke? More, who would’ve
thought she’d leave Bellamy something? It wasn’t like she’d actually seen
the old battle axe in years. She hadn’t been able to even set foot in the
house after the aforementioned lightning strike. But she and her great aunt
had exchanged letters all these years, so maybe it wasn’t weird that she’d
bequeathed some little keepsake.

It seemed fitting that the reading of the will be happening New Year’s
Eve. Finola had loved New Year’s, loved the idea of starting new and fresh.
She’d marched to the beat of her own drum, always, eschewing marriage
and daring to delight in her spinsterhood and only ever having to please
herself. Bellamy couldn’t say she was quite so okay with her own single
status. She didn’t need a man to complete her, and she loved the life she’d
made as a traveling nurse, getting to see other parts of the country and
world. But damn, she’d really love to have some regular, non-batteryassisted orgasms. As she wasn’t into one-night stands and rarely stayed
anywhere more than a couple of months, there hadn’t been any great
options on that front in longer than she cared to remember.

You’re holding them all to an impossible standard.
Scowling, she ignored the whisper in the back of her mind.
Why shouldn’t she expect great friendship from a guy she wanted as her
lover? Friendship was important, damn it. So was humor. And great hugs.
And all the things she hadn’t gotten in person from her favorite person in
the world in even longer than it had been since the non-battery-assisted
orgasms. Not that he would ever in a million years consider crossing that
bridge with her. More was the pity.

That was what came of knowing each
other all the way back to the age when you’d shoved a Lego up your nose
on a dare. You couldn’t actually see each other as grown-ups. Except she’d
absolutely started seeing Graham as a grown-up. And then he’d left. So
she’d left, too, and they’d both maintained this distant connection through
emails and phone calls that just weren’t the same.

Damn it.
Usually, she was able to put Graham out of her mind for long stretches
at a time. Easy to do when she was buried in her work. But now she was
driving home to Eden’s Ridge for the first time in forever, and it just felt
wrong to be coming here without him.

Snow floated down like something out of a Hallmark movie. Big, lacy
flakes that any other time she’d delight in. But she wasn’t in the mood for
simple joys. The weather forecast had the temperatures rising and a
thunderstorm rolling in later tonight. It would wash away the thin crust of
snow that covered the bleak winter landscape. No more Southern winter

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