Adventures of a Bookworm by Kathleen Brooks EPUB & PDF

Adventures of a Bookworm (PAIGE TURNER #1) by Kathleen Brooks EPUB & PDF

Adventures of a Bookworm (PAIGE TURNER #1) by Kathleen Brooks EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kathleen Brooks
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

December 31st
I just looked back upon the past year’s diary entries. Who knew
making a New Year’s Resolution to lose my virginity would end up
like this? Jail, Emergency Room visits (not just one), billionaires, cops, sex
clubs, and my damn virginity flying like a flag that refuses to budge from the
flagpole even in the middle of a hurricane. Oh, the adventures I’ve had!
Now, let me recap how we got to where I currently am—and I still can’t
believe where that is. Good thing I wrote it all down. Hang on, cause it’s
one wild ride.

December 31 st
, One Year Ago . . .
Paige Turner pulled her coat tight against her as she braved the
December wind funneling loudly down the streets of New York City. Her
red hair whipped her in the face from under a puffy pink knit hat.
“Son of a bookworm,” Paige muttered as she plucked a strand of hair
from her eye and trudged forward.

It was the last day of the year and she was meeting her friends at their
spot to discuss New Year’s resolutions. It was the day of the year Paige
somehow hated the most and loved the most. It was the day a whole new
future could be planned. Promises made for a better life. But it was also the
day Paige realized how lonely and uneventful her life really was. How, in
this big, wonderful, wild city, could anyone feel all alone when you’re
surrounded by millions of people? She still hadn’t taken a risk beyond
moving there for college.

Paige discovered books could take her away from her everyday life
when she was six years old. She grew up in a small town in Vermont where
her family ran a bed and breakfast on their Christmas tree farm. Paige had
been told to stay out of sight when they had guests since it was supposed to
be a relaxing time for those customers. Apparently, having a six year old
running around wasn’t relaxing. That’s when Paige discovered that books
could take her on adventures without ever having to leave her room. She’d
solved crimes, traveled the world, had a pet monkey, and fell in love. Over
and over again. By the time she was in high school, she had more book
boyfriends than there were boys in her small school.

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