A Wishful Bride by Cat Cahill EPUB & PDF

A Wishful Bride by Cat Cahill EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cat Cahill
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The snow swirled gracefully over the street below. Rebecca O’Neal
rested her forehead against the pane of glass, wishing yet again for the right
answer to come to her.

“Emmy! Don’t touch that. Put it down!” Roger’s irritated voice broke
through Rebecca’s thoughts.
With a sigh, she turned away from the boarding house window to face
three of her five children. Seven-year-old Roger was glaring at his little
sister, while five-year-old Johnnie reached for the little toy horse Emmy had

“Emmy, give your brothers back their horse and come sit with me,”
Rebecca said.
“Story?” The little girl looked up at her mother with a cherubic face.
Rebecca smiled. “I’ll tell you a story. But only if you leave your
brothers alone.”

Emmy grinned and let Johnnie have the horse before toddling toward
her mother. As Rebecca picked up her youngest, she felt yet another pang of
sadness. Roger and Johnnie had each other as playmates, and her two oldest
daughters were close in age and spent hours together. But poor little Emmy
was alone.

She wrapped her arms around the little girl, settling her on her lap and
turning back toward the window. If Rebecca had her way, Emmy would
have had a little sibling to befriend. Instead, Emmy and her siblings had lost
their father, and Rebecca had lost part of her very soul.

Emmy leaned her head back against Rebecca’s chest as she listened to
her favorite story—one about a rabbit and a mouse who were the best of
friends. Rebecca had made it up months ago, and Emmy could never get
enough of hearing it again and again. It was a nice distraction from
Rebecca’s own grief—and now it provided a way to soothe her nerves as
she waited for Levi Whiteside to arrive at the boarding house.

She didn’t need to wait much longer. Just as she finished Emmy’s story,
Rebecca spotted him crossing the road below. Her heart immediately began
to thump faster, and for the thousandth time since she’d made up her mind
about Mr. Whiteside’s question, she wondered if she was making the right

“Come along downstairs,” she said as she let Emmy slide from her lap.
“Will Miss Darby give us a cookie?” Roger asked, jumping up.
Rebecca bit back a smile. All of the children loved Miss Darby, who ran
the boarding house with her brother, and she doted on them in return.
“Perhaps. You may ask her nicely.”

Casting a quick glance at herself in the mirrored glass on the washstand,
Rebecca smoothed back her hair and told herself not to look so terrified. It
was only marriage, after all, and she’d been married before.

To a man I’d known and loved for years, the voice in the back of her
head reminded her as she ushered the children out the door. Rebecca bit her
lip, forcing the thought from her head before she could begin to dwell on all
that she’d lost.

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