A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair EPUB & PDF

A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair EPUB & PDF

A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Melissa Blair
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

A COLD WAVE CRASHED over me and drowned out my dreamless sleep.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the first time I’d been woken up, in a stable, by
having a bucket of water poured on my head. “Do you have a death wish?”
I seethed through my teeth as I reached for the dagger at my hip, but it
wasn’t there.

Gerarda Vallaqar peered down at me with pure revulsion etched into her
round cheeks and flat nose. If I didn’t feel like there was an ax sticking out
of my skull, I might’ve found it unsettling. Gerarda was short for a
Halfling; she hadn’t inherited any Elvish height from her immortal
ancestors and was only as tall as a small Mortal woman. It might have been
the first time she’d ever looked down at me in her entire life.
From her smug grin, I could tell she was enjoying it.

“This is pathetic, Keera.” She waved her hand over the stall that had
been my bed for the night. I was propped against a watering trough with a
saddle blanket strewn over my legs. There was no horse in the stall with me
but the scent of its shit lingered on my clothes.

I rubbed my temples, which did nothing to quell the headache. There
was only one thing that could. “You speak as if I meant to spend the night in
the stables.”

Gerarda folded her arms over her chest. There was no longer any hint of
a grin on her face. Only a stern expression that she’d learned from
Hildegard, our mentor when we had trained together at the Order. I flinched
and looked away. I didn’t need any more reminders that Hildegard was
dead. Or that her death had been my fault.

“That only makes it more pathetic,” Gerarda mumbled. “You drank
yourself into such a stupor that you couldn’t find your way back to your

Every muscle in my stomach screamed as I pulled myself into an upright
position. I patted the ground, feeling for my wineskin. “I knew where my
burl was. It didn’t move.” Even the sound of my own voice rattled the ache
in my skull. It wasn’t finding my burl that had been the problem, it was my
inability to get up the Myram tree without falling to my death. If anything, I
had been responsible. Not that Gerarda would give me the credit.

My fingers rubbed against something soft. I pulled the cork free from the
skin and hung it over my mouth. A few droplets of rich Elvish wine
splattered against my tongue and the burning in my throat eased a little. I let
the wineskin drop to the floor of the stall and pulled myself up onto my
feet. I slipped and whacked my entire body into the wall of roots.

Gerarda took a quick step backward. She made no move to help.
I closed my eyes and ignored the pain radiating from my ribs. They
weren’t broken and the bruise would be mended by my healing gift before it
had time to fully ink my skin. “If I’m such a disappointment, why are you

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