A Tempest of Shadows by Brenda K Davies EPUB & PDF

A Tempest of Shadows (TEMPEST OF SHADOWS #1) by Brenda K Davies EPUB & PDF

A Tempest of Shadows (TEMPEST OF SHADOWS #1) by Brenda K Davies EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Brenda K Davies
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I ducked lower on the tree branch as the rattle of carriage wheels against
the dirt road drew my attention. It was only a matter of time before one
came along, but my legs ached, and my right foot had gone to sleep from
the time I’d spent in the tree… waiting.

“Maybe you shouldn’t, Lery,” Scarlet whispered as the clattering grew
“We’ve been in this tree for a good hour, and nothing has come by; why
not this one?”

Scarlet’s gaze went to the approaching vehicle, but I didn’t look back.
I’d seen all I needed to know: its golden color, large size, two horses at the
lead, and a driver who screamed of wealth.

Relieving them of some of their wealth was the reason we were here.
Scarlet released her grip on the branch and moved closer to the tree
trunk. “I don’t know.”

“You get cold feet before every robbery.”
“Because one day, it’s going to be the death of you, and that terrifies
I absently waved my hand at her. This wasn’t the first time Scarlet had
gotten cold feet about what was to come, and it wouldn’t be the last.
I should probably be more nervous, but once I saw the coach, my
apprehension faded, and I focused on what I had to do instead of all the
many ways it could go wrong. If I allowed my apprehension to get the best
of me, then I’d never succeed, and I wasn’t about to fail… too many
depended on me for that to happen.

The red-and-gold chest strapped to the top of the carriage could feed
most of The Hollows for a month, if not more. Whoever was inside had
plenty of money to spare.

My callous attitude should probably bother me more, but ever since
Prince Ivan took over the kingdom and started draining it dry, I didn’t have
the luxury of feeling bad about things. The occupant of this vehicle was one
family compared to hundreds of starving ones in The Hollows.

All I had to do was picture the hungry kids with their gaunt cheekbones,
concave bellies, and sad faces, and my trepidation vanished. I’d get that
chest full of money, and I’d help put food in those tiny stomachs, smiles
back on their sweet faces, and damn the consequences.
I shifted on the branch, checked the rope tied to the bough above me,
and reassured myself that the knife remained strapped to my side. While I
worked, the beat of the hooves and rattle of the wheels told me the carriage
was drawing closer.

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