A Summoned Husband by S.J. Stewart EPUB & PDF

A Summoned Husband by S.J. Stewart EPUB & PDF

A Summoned Husband by S.J. Stewart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: S.J. Stewart
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Wine sloshed out of the glass, splashing my hand as I swayed my hips to the
music. It was loud, but that didn’t matter. Not out here in the middle of
the woods.
I bought this house for the privacy. After spending most of my life in small
apartments, living below or on top of someone I always had to consider, I
bought myself the space and peace when I could afford it.
Space to be loud. To be unapologetic. To get sloppy drunk with my friends
without wondering if my neighbours would call the police for being too loud.
Too rowdy. Too — something.

“Hurry the hell up!” Vi called from the living room. I glanced over my
shoulder, my open-concept living room/kitchen putting her in my view over
the island. She was sitting on the red wine spot Imani made on my cream
carpet thinking I wouldn’t notice. But I noticed. It was hard to miss the way
she danced to the music with her eyes closed, arm raised, with her glass in her
hand. The same wine was all over the front of her shirt. It was catching her
red-handed, though she still tried to pretend the stain was one I would miss if
she bullied Vi into sitting on it all night.

Vi was likely the only one she could bully into the task. She was the
smallest of us. Her bush of dark curls only made her seem that much smaller.
Her big hazel eyes and array of dark freckles only added to the look of
innocence that was accurate most of the time. She was dancing to the music,
her head tilting back and forth and a wobbly smile on her face as her eyes
closed and she swayed.

She was beautiful, but all my girls were in their own
way. Olivia had that adorable innocence to her that always put her at the end
of Imani’s bark. Imani likely pointed and Vi just went, too Vi to argue.
Laughter left me as I shook my head.
There was no better sound than my girls in one place, all having a good
time. It had been too long. That thought made me smile as much as it made my
heart ache.

The unmistakable sound of a glass toppling filled the air. It was followed
by the hush of whispers as the four of them scrambled to clean up the new
mess they’d made while I was still busy pouring my third… fourth… no, fifth
glass of wine. Wait, no way. That couldn’t be right. Third.
My face pinched, head tilted as I stared at the ceiling trying to count out
the night.

The first glass was in my hand as the car pulled up. The girls had all
jumped in Alicia’s car in Toronto and drove north out to what they referred to
as the sticks. They carpooled, knowing full well no one would leave tonight.
Hell, they probably wouldn’t leave tomorrow either.

It was the weekend.
Vi, Alicia, Sarika, and Imani all left their lives in the city hoping to let off
some steam with no responsibilities. Partners were hugged, children were
kissed, and jobs were told — politely — to fuck all the way off until Monday

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