A Soul to Guide by Opal Reyne EPUB & PDF

A Soul to Guide by Opal Reyne EPUB & PDF

A Soul to Guide by Opal Reyne EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Opal Reyne
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal Romance 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

If one had eyes that could see, they would probably note the mess in this
high-ceilinged, spacious laboratory. How the walls and ceiling were made
of white tree branches, while black obsidian glittered on the ground. They
would note the gold ore that filled in the gaps between branches and helped
to support the glass in the roof.

They would see that every wall in this octagonal, nearly circular room,
either had a writing board or a gold and black marble bench against it.
They would try to figure out what ingredients the cupboards,
windowsills, and benches were covered in, since there were glass beakers,
tubes, and metal jars from one end of the room to the other. Some contained
ground-up dust, others whole items such as plant roots, flowers, and leaves.
There were a few that held liquids of different colours.

A person might even gape at the lovely round white light that looked like
an exploding star hanging from the very centre of this triangular roof, and
marvel at how it was powered by magic. Or stare in awe at the little red,
blue, green, and silver orbs that hung from the ceiling and changed
locations to mimic their current astronomical points in the sky.
She knew, without a doubt, they would be scratching their heads at the
mathematical equations written on every surface available.

For Raewyn, who could not see, she knew the state of her precious
laboratory by what she could smell, by what she could feel, and by what she
could hear – like the papers loosely fluttering on their clipped stacks from
the wind gently pushing in.

“Cykran, could you please close the window for me?” she murmured as
she frowned at the paper in her right hand, too distracted to raise her voice.
She brushed her fingers over the bumps etched into the paper to read
what was there.

Cykran said nothing, but her pointed ear twitched at his light footsteps
heading towards the only open window in her spacious laboratory. Despite
his general quietness, Raewyn could hear where he was by his deep breaths,
and lately, she’d even noticed him by the general shift of his clothing.
The window made a muted clicking noise, and the smallest smile spread
over her lips.

A few had been nervous about a Demon working as her assistant,
considering how many of his kind had slaughtered the Elvish people.
Raewyn, on the other hand, couldn’t think of anyone more tolerable.
Since the day she’d accidentally blinded herself with magic, people’s
attitudes towards her had changed. Some were wary of her hurting herself
in her laboratory, while others were worried she’d hurt others by exploding
this part of the council palace – it wouldn’t be the first time, and that was
before she lost her sight.

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