A Sinner’s Lies by Kylie Kent EPUB & PDF

A Sinner’s Lies by Kylie Kent EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kylie Kent
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.8 MB
  • Price: Free

I’ve always trusted my gut instincts. They have never really led me
wrong before. Which is why now, as I sit at my desk staring at the phone
willing it to ring, I have the worst feeling about this. One of my girls is
MIA. Kiah. She was supposed to check in yesterday. When she didn’t, I
figured she’d forgotten, even though I know she wouldn’t have done that.
She’s never missed a check-in before.

I’ve been calling everywhere I can think of, right down to the corner
store that’s near her house. My mind whirls with all the possibilities of what
could be wrong, with all the likely reasons for her not checking in with me.
I became a youth counsellor to help girls just like Kiah. To give them
someone who actually gives a shit about them. And I do. My coworkers tell
me I care too much, that I get too involved and that it’s not healthy. They
don’t get it, though. They haven’t lived the way these young girls are living.
I have. I escaped my hell, and I’ll do everything I can to help them get out
of theirs too.

I pick up the phone and call the school again.
“Good morning. Richmond High, how can I help you?” the receptionist
asks. I recognise the voice because I’ve already spoken to the woman three
times in the last hour.
“Glenda, it’s Daisy Blake from Connected Hearts. Has Kiah turned up
yet?” I ask.

She sighs loudly into the phone. I can tell she’s getting frustrated with
me, but I’m not going to stop. “No, Miss Blake, she has not. If she does,
you’ll be the first person I call,” she says and then the line goes dead.
“Where the hell are you, Kiah?” I murmur aloud. She’s a fourteen-yearold kid, a child who was unfortunately born into a shitty situation.

My leg bounces higher under my desk with every minute that passes.
I’m talking myself out of just getting in my car and driving to her house.
That would be breaking protocol, but what good is protocol if my girls are
hurt and need my help?
The trill of my office phone makes me jump out of my seat, my knee
hitting the edge of the desk. “Ow, motherfucker,” I curse as I reach for the
handle. “Hello, this is Daisy Blake.”

“Miss Blake, it’s Kiah.”
My entire body relaxes as the sound of her voice comes through the
other end of the line. I quickly clear my throat because now is not the time
to be emotional. “Kiah, how are you?” I ask her.
“I’m good. Miss Glenda at school said you were looking for me,” she

“You missed your check-in yesterday,” I tell her.
“I’m really sorry. I… ah… fell asleep studying.”
I don’t believe her. “How are things?” I don’t wait for a response before
slipping in my next question. “I’d like to meet up. How’s today? After

“Today? Oh, I can’t today. I have another study thing. How about next
week?” she offers instead.
“Sure, next week,” I agree.
“Thanks, Miss Blake. I gotta go to class.” I hear some shuffling; then
the call cuts off.

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