A Shackleford Victory by Beverley Watts EPUB & PDF

A Shackleford Victory by Beverley Watts EPUB & PDF

A Shackleford Victory by Beverley Watts EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Beverley Watts
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Later in Life Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

A box of mostly rubbish is not what I expected to leave with. A
commendation, maybe, or even a nice carriage clock. I mean my services
rendered might not have gone down well with the old school, but my
methods definitely worked. Most of the time…
Unfortunately, when they didn’t, they really didn’t. No self-adjusting cockup as my newly discovered uncle would say. No, this cock-up was a once in
a career kind. The kind where you didn’t get to pick up the pieces, or your
job afterwards. Right royal. No doubt about it.

And given that said newly discovered uncle was at the root of the whole
sorry business, I’m currently more than happy to place the whole bloody
disaster at his door. Of course, my wallowing won’t last forever, and
sticking pins in an image of a relative is really not very British.
And neither does it help my situation. Jobless and fairly soon, penniless. I
definitely can’t afford to stay in London. But the idea of moving back in
with my father…

I’m sitting in a café just off the Strand, sipping a macchiato and eating the
biggest Danish pastry on the counter. As comfort foods go, it really sucks.
It’s dry, most of it actually ending up on the plate in front of me. Which
pretty much sums up my life at the moment.

It’s strange how one’s so-called friends disappear into the woodwork when
things go tits up, terrified of being tarred with the same brush. But then I
suppose it just goes to show that having all one’s friends in the same
corporate basket is not a good idea. Not that the National Crime Agency
would describe itself as corporate…

If I’m being brutally honest (and I’m rarely anything else which is actually
part of the problem), the bigwigs were looking for an excuse to get rid of
me almost as l got there. I didn’t fit the mould. For a start, I could be
described as a female equivalent of Jack Reacher. And when you look down
on most of your superiors (literally), it doesn’t go down well.

Sighing, I take a sip of my coffee. I really need to make a start on clearing
my stuff out of the flat. But since I’ve got nowhere to put it… Oh bugger. Is
it too early for a glass of wine?

Admiral Charles Shackleford (Retired) was sitting at his customary seat in
the Ship Inn, sipping at his pint of real ale. He might have been sitting in his
usual seat, but that was the only thing customary about it.
It wasn’t his customary day of the week, or his customary time of day. Even
stranger, he was without his customary drinking partners – both human and

The Admiral, however, was completely oblivious to the furtive stares being
cast his way as he was too busy staring down at the letter in his hands and
wondering, not for the first time, how it was that trouble seemed to follow
him around like a bad smell.

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