A Secret Staircase by Eryn Scott EPUB & PDF

A Secret Staircase by Eryn Scott EPUB & PDF

A Secret Staircase by Eryn Scott EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Eryn Scott
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Cozy Craft & Hobby Mysteries
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Pity was not an emotion I was used to experiencing when it came to the
stalwart manager of the Morrisey apartment building.
Nancy Lewandowski was the definition of confidence and
capability. She could settle a debate with a well-timed lift of a single
eyebrow, and I’d seen grown men skitter away from her in fear whenever
she used her no-nonsense voice.

But as she stood there, fingers gripping her podium, sympathy
overwhelmed me. Even her reading glasses, which always seemed to
balance perfectly on the tip of her nose, sat askew as she tried to regain
control of the meeting.

“Everyone needs to calm down,” Nancy called, her voice trembling.
I squirmed in my seat, my sweaty legs sticking to the chair as my
neighbors continued to lob complaints at her.

Normally, Nancy seemed to look forward to building meetings as if they
were her own personal Christmas each month. Gathering everyone to chat
about building matters while she stood behind her podium, checking items
off her agenda, was her happy place.

This particular meeting was different. The residents were hot, scared,
and tired. Hot because the July sun was streaming unrelentingly through the
tall lobby windows. Scared because I’d recently uncovered secret passages
hidden within the walls of our Seattle building. Not just any passages,
either, but ones specifically created with the intention of sneaking into our
apartments unseen. And tired because the meeting was dragging into its
second sweaty hour, and the chairs, which we usually only had to endure for
thirty minutes or so, began to feel like torture devices.

“I haven’t slept a wink since Meg found those passages.” Winnie
Wisteria dramatically placed the back of her hand to her forehead like a
silver-screen damsel.

I turned to my right, where my best friend, Ripley, usually sat. Even
though she was a ghost, and I couldn’t talk to her around living people, her
commentary and the faces we would make at each other made building
meetings bearable. But instead of Ripley, Julian from the third floor sat
there today.

Ever since the ghostly guy Ripley had fallen for had moved on last
week, she’d barely left the apartment. Clark’s disappearance had affected
her more than I’d ever experienced. And seeing how I was the reason she
was stuck on this plane of existence, unable to move on like other ghosts, I
wasn’t sure how to help her get out of this kind of depression.
Unaware of my inner struggle, and taking my turning toward him as
commentary on Winnie’s dramatic statement, Julian said, “If she hadn’t
slept in days, she would’ve gone mad by now.”

Then he tilted his head to
the side as if, on second thought, that might explain a lot about Winnie.
Nancy looked from Winnie to the rest of the residents. “I know. I’m
sorry it’s taken me so long to call this meeting. I’ve been dealing with the
police and then lawyers…”

The first item on Nancy’s agenda that day had been to let us know that
apartment 5E would be rented out to help Quentin pay for the myriad of
fees he would incur as he went to trial.
“The point is,” Nancy continued, her tone sharpening as if she’

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