A Season for Desire by Golden Angel EPUB & PDF

A Season for Desire (DESIRE AND DISCIPLINE #2) by Golden Angel EPUB & PDF

A Season for Desire (DESIRE AND DISCIPLINE #2) by Golden Angel EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Golden Angel
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Five Months Later
Surrounded by masked men, Diana had no hope of escape, though not
one of them truly appealed to her. Still, she had come to the masquerade
this evening for a reason. There was a man she was trying very hard to put
out of her mind. The Marquess of Camden hovered at the edges of her
thoughts, regardless, the way he often did.

Exasperating man.
“May I fetch you a drink, my lady?” asked one of the masked men,
beaming eagerly with dark, worshipful eyes, his hopefulness showing
through the mask as if he wasn’t wearing it. The powdered wig he was
wearing hid his hair, and his mask covered most of his face.
If he was someone she’d previously met, she had no idea. Though, that
was the point of the mask and the reason she was wearing both a wig and a
mask as well. She’d also added a beauty mark to her cheek and rouge to her
lips to help her look as different from herself as she could.

Though it was not the first time she’d attended a Society of Sin event,
she never did so as herself, and she was most comfortable with events
where everyone’s identity was hidden. After all, she might one day be hired
by one of the attendees, which could make things very awkward for

“May I fetch you something to eat, my lady?” Another man, wearing
only a half mask, revealed him to be the younger son of the Earl of
Chesterfield. Having met his very prim and proper mother, who was also a
terrible gossip, Diana had to wonder at his choice to be so easily identified.
The lack of circumspection on his part had her mentally crossing him off
her list of possible partners for the evening.

Not that she was certain of what she intended for the evening. Though
her hand itched to pick up a whip, she would only do so if she found a
partner she truly felt would be worthwhile. There was always a risk when
engaging in such scandalous conduct, especially for a woman making her
own way in the world with a profession that relied on the ton but was
outside of it. As much as Diana wanted to satisfy the urgent needs growing
inside her, she would not risk her future for them.

“A drink and—”
“She does not need anything.” The voice that cut through the crowd
around her was accompanied by a broad-shouldered man pushing his way
through. Diana’s breath caught in her throat, an unvoiced scream of despair
that choked her airway, as the Marquess of Camden stepped in front of her.
Half a head taller than her, his dark eyes flashed through the mask he

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