A Place To Call Home by Megs Pritchard EPUB & PDF

A Place To Call Home by Megs Pritchard EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Megs Pritchard
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Why him?
Why this human?
Manu Agarwal glared at the human who was sitting next to him,
nonchalantly chewing gum. Preston Fulwood. Manu’s current annoyance
and one he was stuck with. Preston had been captured by Morefield Village
security when attempting to steal information about the village and its

Not that being captured seemed to bother Preston. He’d been so laid
back about it, he might as well be sleeping flat on the floor. No doubt,
knowing their head of security had allowed Preston to behave so relaxed.
Elliot Young and Preston had worked together as SEALs, not that Manu or
anyone else had been given the exact details, and that was to be expected.
Manu had been given the task of escorting Preston to his drop off point
where he was to leave all the information he had stolen for this mysterious
A. S. to collect. Names, ages, what shifter they were, where they had come
from, blood types, and so on. All the information medical had on them
would be passed on. Except additional information was included: a virus
that would allow the shifters to track where the stolen information was
being uploaded.

They had been careful about what information they had allowed the
humans to see. Just enough to convince them that Preston had come
through, but not enough to do anything with. Deacon Morrison, the man in
charge of Morefield Village, had gone over the information with Elliot and
between them decided what wouldn’t cause them problems.

They’d figured whoever these people were who were kidnapping and
experimenting on them, had certain information about them so had ignored
details about names, ages, and the types of shifters within Morefield. Blood
groups, too, but other information was removed. Mated couples, children.
It was a risk, but one they were willing to take.

Preston had dropped the USB in a safe deposit box, and now it was a
waiting game. Once the information checked out, Preston would be wired
the money he was owed, then they had to wait again for the USB to be used
in case it moved to another location. Just because the USB and the
information it contained had been checked didn’t mean that place was its
final destination. They would scope that location out but wanted to know
where the information would ultimately end up. It was a guessing game, but
there was too much at stake to let any detail slip past them.

This was the part Manu was used to. Waiting and watching.
During the time Manu had been stuck with Preston, a medical team had
been sent to collect Preston’s father and relocate him to Salutem. Salutem
had a home for individuals suffering from age-related illnesses, and
Preston’s father had dementia. It had been part of the deal to have Preston
help them, not that they needed one, but with Preston’s relationship to Eli, it
had helped.

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