A Partridge in a Pear Tree by Emily E K Murdoch EPUB & PDF

A Partridge in a Pear Tree by Emily E K Murdoch EPUB & PDF

A Partridge in a Pear Tree by Emily E K Murdoch EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Emily E K Murdoch
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

Isabella Fitzroy knew they would make a fuss. They always did, and it
did not matter how much she attempted to fade into the background—her
aunt, uncle, and two cousins beamed to see her.
“Isabella!” cried Harmony, her younger cousin seated by the fire.
Isabella smiled weakly. Oh, all this attention. She was sure she should be
grateful, knew she was being uncharitable by hating the way her Bath
relations fussed over her.
She had enough of that at home, at Chalcroft. All she wanted to do was
come to Bath for the day, escape into the crowds, be a nobody in a sea of
somebodies, then return home.
As it was…
Isabella forced a brave smile onto her face as her pelisse was removed by
her aunt and her bonnet by a cousin.
“It really is too kind of you to invite me to visit,” she said weakly, trying
not to cringe at the way her family grew incredibly close, ignoring all sense
of propriety and tucking a curl behind her ear. “Oh, thank you.”
Did she really have to be treated like such a child? Isabella smiled
awkwardly at Aunt Frances and Uncle Rupert, wishing to goodness they
could just leave her alone.
It had been her mother’s idea, of course. The moment Leonora heard her
only unwed daughter was planning a day in Bath, she had hastily written to
the Bath branch of the Fitzroy family and attempted to organize some sort of
week for Isabella.
No matter how many times Isabella tried to stop her.
Well, she was determined this time. She was not going to be chaperoned
and marched about by her family, she was not staying a week, and she was
certainly not going to spend the entirety of the day here, sitting with her
cousin Harmony rabbiting on without taking a breath.

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“And how are the Chalcroft Fitzroys? How is Aunt Leonora? I suppose
she is busy making the last of the presents for the servants—and Kitty, she is
definitely coming to Chalcroft for Christmas?”
Laughter and chatter filled the drawing room as Isabella considered her
The Bath Fitzroys lived relatively close to the center of town; once she
was out of the house, it would not be long before she could slip into a crowd,
unnoticed and unremarked upon.

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