A Novel Summer by Jamie Brenner EPUB & PDF

A Novel Summer by Jamie Brenner EPUB & PDF

A Novel Summer by Jamie Brenner EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jamie Brenner
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Cape Cod
They met on the beach at midnight. Tomorrow, there wouldn’t be a time
when all three of them could get together to say goodbye. Shelby bent down
and carved their names into the wet sand with a mussel shell. She called her
friends back from the edge of the ocean to look before the tide washed over
it. Shelby. Hunter. Colleen.

Behind them, the bookshop was dark. They’d just been inside. Colleen’s
family owned Land’s End Books, so they were able to make a clandestine,
middle-of-the night visit. Shelby wanted to see it one last time before she

In the beginning, books were the only thing they had in common:
studious, vagabond Shelby; carefree, Cape Cod Colleen; and old Boston
money Hunter. Shelby and Hunter met freshman year of college and had
been inseparable ever since. Their love of books brought them together, and
now it was pulling them apart.

“You’re more emotional than you were at graduation,” Shelby said,
putting an arm around Hunter.
Out of the three, she was the most prepared for goodbye. As an army
brat, moving away, moving on, was part of life. She was philosophical
about it. But Hunter was sniffling.

“Because at graduation we still had all summer. This feels different.”
It was different. School was over, summer was ending, and the future was
now: Shelby was moving to New York City to become a writer, and Hunter
was moving to Boston for a job in book publishing. Only Colleen would
remain on that tiny spit of land, the peninsula that curved out into the
Atlantic Ocean like a finger beckoning, Come here. See what you’ll find.

Shelby had found everything in Cape Cod, not just her two best friends,
but her first love, and most of all, a sense of home. But New York City had
always been the plan. After a childhood moving from place to place, her
only constants were the books she read and her hope of someday writing
one herself. And New York was where she’d chase that dream.
“I still can’t believe you’re both leaving,” Colleen said. “I barely
remember summers here without you.”

They were a threesome because of Hunter. She’d invited Shelby to her
parents’ beach house the summer after their freshman year. Shelby had
jumped at the chance, on the condition that she could find a job. So, Hunter
introduced her to Colleen, whose parents owned the town bookstore. That
had been the start of their Provincetown summers. And this was the end.

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