A Mystifying Regency Romance by Kate Archer EPUB & PDF

A Mystifying Regency Romance (THE LEAGUE OF MEDDLING BUTLERS #3) by Kate Archer EPUB & PDF

A Mystifying Regency Romance (THE LEAGUE OF MEDDLING BUTLERS #3) by Kate Archer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kate Archer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Lady Madeline Cole, only child of the Earl and Countess of
Winthrop, calculated her next move. She was in the throes of the endless
battle to get her to Town, foist her upon some gentleman, and set her life’s
course forever.

Just now, the modiste was poking her with pins as she did a final
fitting on one of the dresses Madeline was meant to wear in the foisting
upon some gentleman. She did not blame Mrs. Gupton for being involved
in the whole palaver, the poor lady was only doing what she’d been paid to
do. Her mother and father, on the other hand…
“Gracious Madeline,” the countess said, “do cheer up. We are going
to Town, not an execution.”

Madeline was very tempted to say that it felt like an execution. Of
course, she knew perfectly well that was too dramatic. It did amuse her to
think dramatic thoughts, though. Her mother had once advised that while
she might not say what she pleased, she was free to think anything at all
with none the wiser.

She had taken full advantage of that advice. Her thoughts were often
teetering on high dramatic cliffs or wallowing in deep dark valleys while
her expression spoke of perfect equanimity.

“And for heaven’s sake, do take off those ridiculous spectacles.
Everybody knows they are only glass and you have no need of any
corrections to your vision.”

“Mama, you know perfectly well that I had them made on Miss
Price’s counsel. Pupils take a teacher more seriously if they wear

“You are not a teacher,” the countess said. “I find myself aggravated
that I have to point that out for the hundredth time. I should never have
allowed your involvement with that school.”
“That school,” Madeline said, “is our village school teaching our

“I am well aware,” the countess said.
Madeline toyed with the idea of having another debate with her
mother regarding the importance of the village school. She decided to forgo
it, as they’d had so many of them. Madeline was of the firm opinion that all
human potential must be recognized and realized. The countess was of the
opinion that there was only so much a tenant farmer’s son needed to be
taught by her daughter.

The past year assisting Miss Price at the school had been glorious.
Was there anything more rewarding than seeing all those bright young faces
gazing up at her, eager to take in what she had to teach them?

Of course, not all the faces were bright. Some were downright
sullen, and others were in the habit of throwing small stones at her head
when her back was turned. But that was only to be expected. When one
looked up to the stars at night, were there not some that shone brighter than
others? So it must be in a classroom. She had been well satisfied to find at
least a few bright faces.

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