A Miracle for the Alien Warrior (TREASURED BY THE ALIEN #11) by Honey Phillips EPUB & PDF

A Miracle for the Alien Warrior (TREASURED BY THE ALIEN #11) by Honey Phillips EPUB & PDF

A Miracle for the Alien Warrior (TREASURED BY THE ALIEN #11) by Honey Phillips EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Honey Phillips
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.1 MB
  • Price: Free

The frosty winter air nipped at Lauren’s face as soon as she walked out of
the building. Waddled out of the building is more accurate, she thought
ruefully, curving her hand over the ever-increasing mound of her stomach.
“Do you think I’m doing the right thing?” she asked Felicity.

Her best friend sighed and shook her head. The two of them had been best
friends since the first day of kindergarten when Johnny Ellis tried to pull
Felicity’s ponytail and Lauren had punched him. When he tried to retaliate,
Felicity had jumped in and Johnny backed down. Now, almost forty years
later, it was still a matter of debate who had really been the heroine of the

“Of course I do. You know how I feel about this. Even though your
pregnancy has been going smoothly, there’s no point in taking any chances.
Spending the last month before the baby is born taking life easy is a rational

“I suppose,” she agreed as they set off across the parking lot, but Felicity’s
approval didn’t entirely eliminate her doubts.

Anderson Robotics had a generous maternity leave policy and her boss
hadn’t hesitated to sign off on her request. The timing had worked out well
since they were just finishing up a project – but that meant the initial phase
of the next project would be handled by Rob. He was chomping at the bit to
lead a project, sure that he could do a much better job than she did. She
didn’t mind the fact that he was ambitious. She did mind the fact that he
was sloppy and wanted to rush ahead without testing all the variables.
“You aren’t still worried about Rob, are you?” Felicity asked, echoing her

“Not exactly. I mean, I’m not worried that my job is in danger. If anything
they’re going to be even more anxious to have me back. I am worried that
I’m going to have a huge mess to clean up.”

“And you’ll love every minute of it.” Her friend laughed and put her arm
through Lauren’s as they crossed the road and entered the park. “You love
making order out of f chaos.”

“Usually, yes. But with a new baby as well…”
Not for the first time she wished she had family to help out, but her mother
had died long ago and she’d never been close to her stepmother. She’d
already interviewed several candidates from a nanny agency and they were
all highly qualified, but they were still strangers. If only her mother were
still around… The tears that came far too frequently these days sprang to
her eyes.

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