A Matter of Convenience by Lana Williams EPUB & PDF

A Matter of Convenience by Lana Williams EPUB & PDF

A Matter of Convenience by Lana Williams EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  •  Novel Title: A Matter of Convenience
  •  Author: Lana Williams
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 2 MB

One week later
Phoebe tried to tell herself she was excited about the step she was
about to take. In truth, she felt positively ill. What had seemed a brilliant idea
when it had first occurred to her a month ago now felt like a terrible mistake.
She pressed a hand to her middle, wishing she’d refrained from eating
luncheon as her stomach roiled alarmingly.
“Are you well, my lady?” her maid asked from her seat across the

“Quite. Thank you.” She’d deliberately requested Fanny, one of the
housemaids, to accompany her rather than her lady’s maid. Rose knew her
too well. She would’ve asked questions Phoebe couldn’t answer and might
have convinced Phoebe not to go through with her plan.
That was something Phoebe couldn’t allow. Not when she was already at
risk of talking herself out of it.

As was her custom when pondering an issue, Phoebe had made a careful
list of the various outcomes of her bold act. However, viewing the
possibilities on paper hadn’t prepared her for the courage required to actually
What if he refused to see her?
What if he wasn’t home?
What if he said no?
What if he said yes?

She gave herself a mental shake at the endless concerns swirling through
her mind that kept her seated on the tufted carriage bench even after the
conveyance rolled to a stop. The answer she had noted for each possible
outcome didn’t stop worry from hounding her thoughts.
The footman who’d opened the door and patiently waited peeked inside
the carriage. “Did you care to alight, my lady?”

“Yes, of course.” With a deep breath, Phoebe scooted to the edge of the
The only thing propelling her forward was the realization that otherwise,
she would have to tell her friends in the Mayfair Literary League that she’d failed.
That wasn’t tolerable. This had been her idea. For Better or Worse, she
reminded herself.

She wanted to be an inspiration to them, regardless of the outcome of her
action. If she didn’t step forward to implement her own plan, no one would
follow. She’d be letting down the entire group.

Most of all, she’d be letting down herself.
Phoebe offered her gloved hand to the footman, concerned the contents of
her stomach might come forth. She swallowed hard and stepped onto the
cobblestones, taking care not to look at the front door of Bolton House where
Anthony Stanhope resided.

She was no stranger to the Earl of Bolton’s home. She and her younger
sister, Amanda, had called upon Viola, his younger sister, who was closer in
age to Amanda, many times over the past few years and counted her as a dear
friend, though Viola wasn’t a member of the league. Neither Viola nor
Amanda shared a love for reading.
Phoebe was also acquainted with his mother and believed the countess
thought well of her. His younger brother, Robert, had always been friendly,

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