A Masquerade of Saints by Nicole Loughan EPUB & PDF

A Masquerade of Saints by Nicole Loughan EPUB & PDF

A Masquerade of Saints by Nicole Loughan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author: Nicole Loughan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Women Sleuths 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Bury your saints
The house I grew up in was probably my least favorite place on the
entire planet. I had a terrible childhood, being raised by two people who
hated me just a smidge more than I hated them. The memories of what
happened in that house filled my mind as I drove. The deeper I went into
the bayou, the more I felt an urge to turn tail and run.

The house was over the water and while there was a dirt road that ran
near it the far more efficient route to the home was via boat. I knew I was
getting close as the landscape around me got soggier. I saw a willow tree at
the bend in the road and the sway of branches reminded me of the days
when I was forced to stand by the Spanish Oak in my yard, pull down my
pants, and “pick a switch.”

The man I had believed to be my father, Rivet Deveroux, uttered this
phrase with such regularity during my childhood that I had learned early to
grab a thick switch, as they stung less.
I passed the last bit of good road before the dirt greeted me, and I
made my way down it slowly, the car bouncing around from the divots in
the dirt. We called them chatter bumps because they made your teeth chatter
as you passed over them.

When I was near the home I saw a slender blonde woman, my realtor,
standing beside a shiny silver Buick. She had a bright white suit on, too
tailored for the overgrown surroundings of the bayou. She parked her car by
the side of the road. She knew better than to drive any further, lest she get
stuck in the mud.

As I approached I noticed that the bottoms of her crisp white pants
were tucked into heavy brown boots. This told me I had chosen the right
woman to sell my little piece of bayou real estate.
She propped her sunglasses up on her head and reached her hand out
while she introduced herself.

“You can call me Ms. Mary,” she said and shook my hand with force.
“Fanchon Deveroux,” I replied, which wasn’t quite the truth but
would suffice as an introduction for now.
We walked towards the house and when it came into view I could see
Ms. Mary deflate.

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