A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey EPUB & PDF

A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey EPUB & PDF

A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Trip Galey
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Action & Adventure Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Be wary, child, as you go down,
To the place beneath old London town,
Where fey-folk work and goblins frown,
In the market ’neath old London town.
Deri hummed to himself as he dodged through the crowd, an old scrap of
rhyme dredged up from a memory so many times bought and sold it
was all but worn through. Three more errands left, just three, then he’d be
free as the wind-swept sea. Well, as free as possible until he bought himself
out of his indenture. Until then, endless errands. Fetch a new vial of ink of
night from Merchant Codex. Deliver the parcel he carried to Merchant
Blatterbosch. And return with Merchant Maurlocke’s lunch before the
Market Bell rang the midday hour. Not that there was day, as such, here
below London.

The Untermarkt was busier than usual. The lanes that threaded through
the market stalls, never terribly wide, were choked with people. Mortals
mixed with denizens from Faery and lands even deeper Underhill. A
tattooed woman in buckskin and furs traded a small leather pouch to a
merchant with the head and paws of a cat for the ability to see in the dark. A
pair of young men in evening wear, drunk on a drop of faery wine, nearly
crashed into a stall filled with dreams caught in crystal cobwebs. Goblin
midwives, big-bellied with the precious charges that they both carried and
delivered themselves, waddled past.

Noise crashed and foamed around him. Merchants haggled and hawked
their wares, customers haggled back or laughed with their friends, buskers
sang songs or brayed on instruments. You could feel the approaching
holiday in the air, anticipation and excitement. Threaded through it all were
the voices of the bells, ringing out hours and sales, jangling the appearance
of customers and, to the rare few like Deri, who could truly hear, sharing
gossip and swapping stories.
Did you hear? Did you hear? rang the Bell of Auld St. Cyr. The Merchant Shade
did disappear!
Pish and tosh! Pish and tosh! rang the bell near Merchant Kosh. He’s simply
gone to do his wash!
The first words Deri could remember hearing had been rang out by the
bells. He’d been able to understand them, even then. A gift from having
been carried to term by a goblin midwife.

‘Memories, sure to please! Sweet memories for modest fees! Come buy!
Come buy!’
‘How do, Merchant Pryek,’ Deri called a greeting to a woman whose
fingers were fine white clay and whose face was a porcelain mask. Her stall
was a magpie’s nest of things that had been shaped: fine china and silver
spoons, knots of plaited straw and carefully tatted lace, needles and spindles
and rings and chains. Every item held not only its shape but also a memory
that could be relived simply by using it.

‘Ah! Good morning, Deri,’ the merchant replied. ‘Come see my latest
treasure! Come-come!’ She held up a commemorative plate, delicately
painted with a distinctive pattern of blue and the profile of a regal young

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