A Love That Binds by Ava Pressley EPUB & PDF

A Love That Binds by Ava Pressley EPUB & PDF

A Love That Binds by Ava Pressley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  •  Author: Ava Pressley
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 1 MB

He coughed again, this time into his handkerchief, where when he pulled it
away, droplets of blood spattered the white fabric. I sat down next to him,
offering a glass of cold water as he sat up. Taking care of my sick father was
not something I ever thought I’d have to do, but here I was. Lymphoma and
the following chemo treatments had done a number on his body, and he still
had several left.

“Here, drink this.” I took the handkerchief and replaced it in his grip with
the water. He sat back against his padded headboard, the black satin material
a stark contrast to his pale skin. As he did, I rose to situate a pillow behind his
back to make him more comfortable. The coughing had gotten worse as the
doctors told us it would.

“Thank you, Anya.” He sipped slowly, a shaking, weak hand holding his
half-full glass to his lips. I waited until he had quenched his thirst and
retrieved the glass, setting it down on his nightstand next to his pills.
“Papa, it’s going to get better. They said this is highly treatable, so this
sickness is only here a little while longer.” I sat again, taking his frail hand.

I’d never seen him so weak, possibly because my father was the head of the
family, and by family I mean family. The leader of the Bratva brought to his
knees by an invisible enemy working from the inside out to destroy him.
He smiled at me, patting my cheek. His hand was cold, but I didn’t shy
away. “I know, dear. And you are my ray of sunshine here to warm me on
this cold December morning. It is a Christmas miracle that you have grown to
be such a beautiful strong woman. Your grandmother would be so proud of

I looked to the door where I heard noise reverberating beyond and down
the hall. Dominic was on his way in, my brother and a constant irritant to me.
He did things unthinkable to me, but then so had my father when he was full
of vigor. Mother turned a blind eye to it all, playing housewife to the Russian
mob and baking cookies for neighborhood children. I wasn’t like her.
I wanted peace.

“Papa, we have to let the family rest. We need to pull back, give them
time to heal from their wounds and reorganize.” Turning back to him, I saw
the scowl on his face. I knew by pulling back, we’d be showing a bit of
weakness, but in my opinion it was far wiser to retreat, heal, and come back
presenting a united strong front, than to wither away in refusing to admit we
were being assailed.

When he opened his mouth to speak, a coughing fit took him over again. I
offered the handkerchief again, with which he covered his mouth and let his
body expel the mucus that clogged up his bronchial passages. While he
struggled, the door opened and Dominic strutted in, gun affixed to his hip,
hands crammed in his pockets. He always brought an air of rage with him
wherever he went. Since Lia vanished and his father was murdered, we all
had a tinge of grief. His was mostly displayed as anger.
Of course, she was his younger sister.

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