A Little Faith (MIDLIFE’S A BEACH #5) by M.L. Briers EPUB & PDF

A Little Faith (MIDLIFE’S A BEACH #5) by M.L. Briers EPUB & PDF

A Little Faith (MIDLIFE’S A BEACH #5) by M.L. Briers EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: M.L. Briers
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Tell me you missed me,” Serendipity said, curling around Faith’s legs
in an infinity loop.
“Not happening,” Faith said. “It’s been lovely and quiet without you;
some would say peaceful.”
“That’s hurtful,” Serendipity said, stopping in front and looking up at
Faith. “You have to get me out of here before Nana drives me fricking

Faith offered the kind of smile that the cat knew well. “For all those
times you jumped on my head in bed to wake me up, for all those swipes of
the paw and claws to get your way, for all the sarcastic remarks – suffer
little kitty claws, suffer the madness as I have with you.”

“Wow, somebody sure knows how to hold a grudge,” Serendipity said,
her head high and tail straight up. “Smell my retreat.” She slowly walked
off, tossing a look back over her shoulder and flicking her tail every now
and then.

“Ugh!” Faith grumbled, catching the whiff in the air. “And I don’t miss
that either!”
“She’s a very sensitive soul,” Mr Paws said, taking time out from
cleaning his eyes with his paw.
“She’s an absolute nightmare,” Faith said, walking to the kettle and
flicking it on.

“Oh, good, you’re here,” Nana said, coming from the hallway.
“If you summon, so I come – most of the time,” Faith added for good
measure; she didn’t want Nana to get any ideas. Give the elder an inch, and
she’ll take a mile, but that didn’t work for Faith.

“We need to make arrangements to send our guests to their next
destination,” Nana said. “Make mine a sugary tea; I didn’t sleep well.”
Faith perked up at the talk of the ghosts. “No, no, not yet. We don’t
know this is over, and the crone – who isn’t a crone – said…”
“They can’t keep hanging around on the off chance, Faith, it isn’t fair
on them,” Nana said.

“A few more days until…”
“Which will turn into a few more, and a few more, and so on.”
“It’s not like they have anywhere to be but eternity,” Faith said. “We
could still have a problem, and I might need them, and you said so

“Faith,” Nana said with a sigh. “There is no treasure; the Others in the
realm duped you into doing their bidding, and I fell for it too, but we woke
up and realised, and now we must put what is wrong right, right?”
“Wrong.” Faith eyed the kettle when the lever popped up to show the
water had boiled. “What if we need them and they aren’t here?”

“We’ll Macgyver something. I fear I’ve kept them here too long
already; I should have sent them back before,” Nana said. “We’ll kill your
grandfather and use him as a crossing point to the veil.”
“I heard that, you old witch,” Marvin called from another room.
“Shouldn’t have been listening to a private conversation then,” Nana
called back, winking at Faith.

“Bite me!”
“With relish,” Nana snapped back.
Serendipity raced back to Faith’s ankles. “P-lease, Faith, P-lease take
me with you.”
“Somebody kill me now,” Faith grumbled.
Serendipity snorted in disgust. “Now you know how I feel,” she hissed,
walking off.

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