A Heartsong Back to the Highlands by Maeve Greyson EPUB & PDF

A Heartsong Back to the Highlands by Maeve Greyson EPUB & PDF

A Heartsong Back to the Highlands by Maeve Greyson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Maeve Greyson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

“Ronan,” Dagun roared. “Today? Be today the day we die?”
Ronan laughed at his first mate’s panic that the wind and driving
rain carried to him from across the ship, then off into oblivion. Poor
old beggar. Dagun had endured many a storm at sea, but this one appeared
to be a bit too harsh for his liking.

The deck dipped, then lurched upward with the wild fury of the angry
waves. The crew struggled to hold fast, but they tumbled and flailed from
pillar to post, as if they were naught but a wee bairn’s rag doll. Dagun
tangled his arms in the rigging to keep from slamming into the ship’s railing
—or worse—be tossed over the side and swallowed by the churning sea.
“Clíodhna willna harm us,” Ronan bellowed to them. “She’s but
bouncing us about for a wee bit of fun.” More at home at sea than on land,
he stood easy at the wheel, his stance wide and balanced as though the
vessel was naught but a gently rocking cradle.

“Aye, then,” Dagun sputtered and coughed after a wave hit him full in
the face. “I be mighty glad about yer certainty of the sea goddess and her
many moods—be they foul or be they fair.” Another salty blast knocked
him off his feet and left him dangling from the rigging.

Ronan flashed a smile at the deluge’s sting and the lashing bite of the
wind. His pulse quickened with each swell and heave of his beloved waters.
A hearty laugh rumbled from deep in his belly and joined the song of the
howling gale. His spirits soared as the black thunderclouds stirred like a
boiling cauldron about to overflow.

Fear of the storm would never plague
him. Not here in his home. In the arms of his untamable ocean. His beloved
Sea Goddess Clíodhna had won his loyalty and trust long ago when he was
but a wee babe in his mother’s arms. The goddess had appeared to him in
the form of a selkie that day and taken many forms since, always striving to
amuse him and show how much she cherished him. Clíodhna would let no
harm come his way.

He never questioned the mystical ways of the goddesses or the powerful
energies flowing through his world. Conceived in the dream plane, his
mother a powerful twenty-first century witch, and his father a time traveling
Scottish laird from the fourteenth century, magic filled his blood. The
Goddess Brid herself had named him, for his destiny was to have dominion
over the sea and every creature in it. A wee storm stirred up by Clíodhna
was tonic to his very being.

“Douse canvas!” Dagun roared into the hurricane while squinting up at
the creaking mast straining against the force of the gale. “She canna bear
much more of this wind!” If they didn’t get the sails dropped quickly, the
mast would surely snap and drag them into the unforgiving depths.

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