A Found Family at the Cornish Country Hospital by Jo Bartlett EPUB & PDF

A Found Family at the Cornish Country Hospital (THE CORNISH COUNTRY HOSPITAL #3) by Jo Bartlett EPUB & PDF

A Found Family at the Cornish Country Hospital (THE CORNISH COUNTRY HOSPITAL #3) by Jo Bartlett EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jo Bartlett
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.8 MB
  • Price: Free

Isla had spent far too many hours researching how to mark her father’s
sixtieth birthday in a creative way, but when even Google couldn’t come up
with an answer, she had to accept defeat. After all, you could hardly hold a
surprise party, or arrange a hot air balloon trip, for a man who’d been dead
for more than five years.

The list of things suggested to commemorate the milestone birthday of
someone who had passed away was easier to navigate. Visiting the grave
had been top of the list, but she did that regularly anyway, and it didn’t
seem nearly enough.

One of the suggestions had been to go to a place her
father had loved, but Nick Marlowe always insisted that nowhere could beat
his beloved Cornwall. And, since Isla already lived in the same area where
her father had been born, that also took visiting the place where he’d started
his life off the list. And she already made a regular donation to the
Huntington’s charity, the disease that had taken her father from her when
Isla had been nowhere near ready to let him go.

She wasn’t sure she’d ever have been ready, but her mother’s decision
to shield her from the rapid progression of his illness, while she was
studying all hours in the final year of her degree, had made it even more
shocking when the end had come. Isla’s student accommodation had only
been half an hour away from home, but her mother had played down the
doctors’ concerns about how quickly her father’s health seemed to be

It was only when it had become clear that he wasn’t going to
pull through this time, that Isla had finally been called to her father’s
bedside. Her mother had said it was merciful that the final stages of his
illness had been hastened by a bout of pneumonia he couldn’t recover from,
because he’d have hated for them to have to watch him become someone
else entirely.

But Isla had felt robbed of so much and, even now, it was
impossible to see any part of it as a blessing. When he’d been forced to give
up work just after his fiftieth birthday, as the disease became more
advanced, her father’s consultant had said he probably had ten to fifteen
years left. Instead, he’d got four. And as much as everyone had tried to
comfort the family by talking about how he’d been spared from losing any
more of who he was, Isla had desperately wanted to hold on to whatever
tiny part of him was still left, for as long as she possibly could.

‘Are you ready?’ Noah, the vicar at St Jude’s, gently touched her arm,
startling her far more than it should have done. She’d been expecting him at
any moment, but she’d been lost in her thoughts, back in those last days at
her father’s bedside, when he hadn’t been able to speak, and she wasn’t sure
he’d understood her when she’d told him how much she loved him, or even
realised she was there. ‘I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump.’

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