A Fiery Farewell by Paul Cude EPUB & PDF

A Fiery Farewell by Paul Cude EPUB & PDF

A Fiery Farewell by Paul Cude EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:  Paul Cude
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Diplomatic Intervention
“Which of them do you think we should kill first, my
love?” enquired Manson, every word dripping with evil.
“Funny, that’s exactly what I was thinking,” echoed a much
softer and kinder voice from behind a huge swathe of the dark
dragon and naga forces, some way off.

Instantly every being there, but two, turned in that direction.
Telepathically, Manson gave the order for his troops to part, so
that he could face head on whatever new surprise fate had
tossed his way. Immediately they did so, forming a corridor
littered with huge chunks of rubble and numerous dead dragon
and naga bodies from the battle that, up until a few moments
ago, had been raging for some time.

From the shadows and debris at the far end of what they
could all see, out strolled a short haired, well built human,
hands casually held behind his back, looking as cool as a
cucumber, pretty much without a care in the world.

‘TANK!’ thought those light-sided heroes that knew him,
simultaneously, delighted to see their friend despite the
precarious nature of the situation they all found themselves in.
‘The rugby player,’ thought Manson, instantaneously
recognising him from their encounter at the Salisbridge sports
club. Manson, along with his enemies, all wondered the same
thing. ‘Where has he been all this time?’
“Don’t forget what I told you… I won’t murder them
outright!” a soft melody whispered within the rugby playing
dragon’s head.

“I haven’t forgotten,” he replied, also telepathically, already
picking out targets, but not the ones you’d expect… Richie,
Peter, Flash, the king, Fredric, Yoyo, the group of young
dragons and all of the haggard King’s Guard, essentially all of
those here he was allied with, except of course the humans,
Janice and Hook. Sights firmly fixed upon them, he knew that
in but a moment, he could carry out what he had planned. First
though, he had to deal out a little diplomacy.

Thanks to the unexpected interlude, nobody, including her
love, had noticed what had happened, with even her mind
struggling to deal with the fact that she’d frozen entirely, apart
from the snakes writhing about on top of her head. Perhaps
deep down within her very DNA, a distant part of her realised
that the shock of the moment had all but rendered her
temporarily useless.

‘It can’t be, can it?’ she thought, trying to arrange the pieces
of the puzzle together within her mind. ‘Surely fate can’t be
that cruel.’ But she knew better than that. The markings on his
body matched those on the outside of the egg just perfectly.
Even after all this time, it was still ingrained firmly in her
memory. It would also explain HIS savagery, and the way he’d
fought, if of course what she saw before her was true.

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