A Duchess Godsent (UNEXPECTED DUCHESSES #2) by Hazel Linwood EPUB & PDF

A Duchess Godsent (UNEXPECTED DUCHESSES #2) by Hazel Linwood EPUB & PDF

A Duchess Godsent (UNEXPECTED DUCHESSES #2) by Hazel Linwood EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Hazel Linwood
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.9 MB
  • Price: Free

“Wipe that unsightly frown off your face. It’s very unbecoming of a
lady. It is no wonder that no gentleman has asked for your hand
Albina Cooper was in the middle of her usual castigation of her middle
daughter, Frances Cooper.
What made it doubly embarrassing was that they were not in the privacy of
their home, but rather in the middle of a bustling ballroom. Frances twisted
the corners of her mouth into the shape of a smile, but her mother’s
relentless reproach had stressed her out, making her attempt half-hearted, at

“I’m trying, Mother. I really am.”
“Then you must try even harder,” Albina whispered urgently, her gaze
wandering around the ballroom in search of a suitable match.
Frances felt defeated. Her mother had always been one to have impossibly
high expectations of her children—that was something she had seen
firsthand when her older sister, Esther, had been in the middle of the matchseeking process. But now that the focus had shifted to her, Frances was
beginning to feel just how heavy the load was to carry.

“What became of the gentleman whom I had just left you to speak with?”
“Um…” Frances hesitated. Truthfully, she had not been able to have a full
conversation with him, and he had taken his leave after a few moments of
awkward silence. “I suppose something came up and he had to leave.”
Albina did not seem convinced in the slightest, knowing her daughter’s
timid nature.

“You must learn to put more effort into your conversations,” she instructed.
“If you keep going like this, the Season will be over, and you will be left
with no match. Now, let me handle this.”
Albina grabbed her daughter by the hand and steered her towards an
unsuspecting gentleman.

“Lord Cormick, how lovely to see you here. Did your mother join you as
Lord Cormick straightened up. “Ah, Lady Ramsbury. Lovely to see you, as
well. Mother must be around here somewhere.”
“Oh, I have much to catch up on with her. We have been meaning to meet,
but, you know, I have been occupied visiting my oldest at Trowbridge

Frances felt her cheeks flush. She knew exactly where this conversation
was headed. The fact that Esther was married into a noble family was a
source of great pride for her mother, and Albina scarcely wasted any
moment to boast about it to anyone who was willing to listen.
“Ah, Trowbridge Estate? That is quite near to London,” Lord Cormick

“Yes, it is more the frequency with which I have to visit. You know my
eldest daughter is a duchess, and she is always hosting parties that I have to
attend. She gets her impeccable hosting skills from me, I am sure.”

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