A Counterfeit Suitor by Darcie Wilde EPUB & PDF

A Counterfeit Suitor by Darcie Wilde EPUB & PDF

A Counterfeit Suitor by Darcie Wilde EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Darcie Wilde
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

An Unexpected Caller
The vast extension of society in London . . . has
necessitated a degree of caution in the formation of
intimacy. Catherine Gore, The Banker’s Wife
London, December 1819
“He says yes!”

Alice’s shout jolted Rosalind from contemplation of her latest piece of
correspondence. So did the fact that her friend leapt to her feet and began
dancing about the small parlor, waving a piece of paper over her head.
“He said yes! He said yes!”

“Is that a letter from Mr. Colburn?” asked Rosalind mildly. Alice
Littlefield supported herself as a writer, a translator, and gossip columnist.
Last year, however, Alice had received an invitation from the publisher,
Henry Colburn, to submit a novel manuscript.
“And he said yes!” Alice thrust the letter at Rosalind and recommenced her
exuberant dance.

Rosalind read:
Dear Miss Littlefield:
I trust this letter finds you in the very best of health. I am writing
to inform you that I have finished reading the manuscript for
Eversward, which you were so good as to submit for my
consideration. I found the novel delightful in its entirety and I have
no doubt the reading public will as well.

I should very much like to request the honor of calling on you at
your earliest convenience to discuss matters relating to publication,
so that we may put your excellent tale before the waiting world as
soon as possible.

Your Obedient Servant,
Henry Colburn
“Alice, this is wonderful!” Rosalind got to her feet and embraced her
friend. The two women were a study in contrasts. Alice was tiny, quick, and
dark, whereas Rosalind was tall, pale, and statuesque with darkly golden hair
and a pair of steady blue eyes.
“Of course, I knew he would accept,” Alice said loftily. “Being such an
excellent judge of literary merit.”

“Of course,” Rosalind answered with perfect sobriety. The pair of them
stared at each other for a full ten seconds before bursting into laughter. The
fact was that in the month since she’d taken Mr. Colburn her manuscript,
Alice had been scarcely able to sit still for five minutes altogether. It was
something of a trial on their friendship, because at that same time, Alice had
also moved into Rosalind’s house in Little Russell Street.

Alice fell back into her chair by the window. Rosalind’s small parlor had
been made even more cramped by the addition of a table that was perpetually
piled with Alice’s books and papers, not to mention her portable writing desk
and assorted ink pots. Rosalind kept her desk with its neat stacks of
correspondence and account and visiting books beside the hearth.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see the look on my dear brother’s face when I tell
him!” Alice crowed. “He was so set against the idea for so long.”

“You cannot entirely blame him,” said Rosalind. “It was a risky
proposition. Your editor at the Chronicle could have taken offense.”
“Never. The Major was thrilled when I told him. The possibility that his
gossip column might now be written by a ‘celebrated novelist’ has him
counting new sales in his sleep.” Alice grinned broadly. “We must celebrate,
Rosalind! Where shall we go? What should we do?”
“I’m so sorry, Alice, I can’t tonight. I must keep my appointment with
Mrs. Walford to attend the opera.”


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