A Case for Christmas by J.A. Rock EPUB & PDF

A Case for Christmas by J.A. Rock EPUB & PDF

A Case for Christmas by J.A. Rock EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:J.A. Rock
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Historical Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Lord Christmas Gale, youngest son of the Marquess of Shorsbury,
walked along the river, hating his name nearly as much as he hated
the fact that people now knew it.

The sky was a soggy, bloated-looking mass of peach and grey as the sun
began to set. If he didn’t hurry home, he would miss the family carriage to
the Harringdon ball. O tragedy. O despair. He needed to attend the
Harringdon ball like he needed a paper knife forced up his nose—an act he
was fairly certain several individuals at last night’s salon would have
enjoyed. But he had promised to chaperone one of his seemingly limitless
supply of sisters this evening, and while he was an absolute ass, he still
retained a nominal sense of familial duty.

A young couple actually stopped in their tracks to stare at him. He cast
them the darkest of glares. He had never wanted the Gazette to do that piece
on him. And he had certainly never asked for the sketch that had
accompanied the write-up. Rendered in pencil, he’d looked like some
tormented William Blake deity, all hollow cheeked and martyr eyed. Good
Lord, if that was how he appeared to the world, no wonder nobody at the
salon ever offered to stick a paper knife up his nose. Or stick anything else
anywhere. Disappointing, but he had his molly boys, one of whom he’d
engaged in a short but invigorating encounter only moments ago. No paper
knives, alas—but a rather inspired use of the crested helmet of an Athena

The vestiges of pleasure had seeped away once he’d found himself back
on the street, imagining that everyone who glanced his way had read the
Gazette article declaring: “Lord Christmas Gale, though less radiant in
looks, manner, and accomplishment than his elder brother, has discovered a
means to shine this Season. The savvy investigator has just wrapped up yet
another case…”

Investigator. Bah. As though he asked for the mayhem he stumbled
upon every third day. And did they have to call it a case? He looked into
things, that was all. He was hardly the embittered hero of some gothic

Dalliances had been much simpler back when everybody looked right
through him—including his own father, who often started in surprise when
he found him in a room, as though he were a burglar he’d caught in the act
rather than his own son. That was likely his own fault, though, as he spent
as little time at his family home as possible, so Gale considered it quite
probable the old man had forgotten what he looked like. With the
unfortunate advent of his celebrity, Gale actually had to consider where he
went and who might see him there. He’d begun using molly houses south of
the river in an attempt to retain his anonymity, but that didn’t always work.

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