A Cameo for a Cowgirl by Carolyn Miller EPUB & PDF

A Cameo for a Cowgirl (THREE CREEK RANCH #1) by Carolyn Miller EPUB & PDF

A Cameo for a Cowgirl (THREE CREEK RANCH #1) by Carolyn Miller EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Carolyn Miller
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Three Creek Ranch might be only thirty minutes from the hustle and
bustle of Calgary’s high-rises, but it may as well be a million miles away. A
different world away. A century—more—away. Cassie James leaned back
in the saddle, stroking Ginger’s mane as she took in the view, her heart
swelling with contentment.

From her position on this rise, the ranch’s hills
and valleys soared and dipped as they stretched toward the higher peaks of
the Canadian Rockies, with not a sign of human habitation anywhere to be
seen. Instead, she gazed upon trees and grassy meadows, the occasional
deer or bird, and the three creeks that gave the ranch its name. The scenery
was as it had been for hundreds of years, and for the past century or so that
Cassie’s family had lived here.

She gently nudged Ginger and the palomino turned obediently in a half
circle, bringing into view the ranch’s small western town. The buildings—
everything from a steepled white chapel to a wooden boardwalk-lined
collection of stores—had formed part of an original settlement, once upon a
time. But the village had lain empty for years, superfluous as larger centers
thrived. Then after the depression hit, forcing the last of the inhabitants to
sell, Cassie’s great grandfather had expanded the family acres, swallowing
the town in its entirety.

Not all of the town was original—the schoolhouse
and Silver Spur saloon had been trucked in from a hamlet an hour away—
but the township was so complete, a perfect representation of pioneer life,
that it had been used as a movie set for nearly twenty years.
She might’ve been a little girl when her parents had first mentioned the
possibility of a movie company coming to film on their ranch, but she
remembered it like yesterday.

Her dad had been so excited. “The producers love it here, love the fact it
looks so unspoiled, with no modern-day trappings. And they’re willing to
pay us to use the town,” he’d said. “Our ranch has to diversify. We can’t
survive on just cows these days.”

Of course, it had helped that the Hollywood company had decided after
filming that it was easier to offload the props, sets and costumes, selling
them at a fraction of their cost to her folks rather than pay to transport them
elsewhere. That had led her parents to the momentous decision to expand
Three Creek’s operations into including a western movie set and backlot
business as well, something that had fascinated Cassie for years, and
something she’d taken responsibility for since graduating college five years

So, while she still helped her dad around the ranch as much as she
could, she had near total charge of ensuring the day-to-day running of the
western town went smoothly. This meant everything from repairing
buildings, and checking the prop and costume barn was watertight and pestfree, to fielding enquiries and taking bookings, to being the point person
while a production company was in residence.

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