A Bully’s Penance by S.T. Moors EPUB & PDF

A Bully’s Penance by S.T. Moors EPUB & PDF

A Bully’s Penance by S.T. Moors EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: S.T. Moors
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Past

“Nerd alert!”
The narrow hallways of Ashburton High were packed with
students spilling out of their second-period class, yet Harrison’s deep voice
seemed to carry over and above the rest of the student body.
I rolled my eyes despite the blush creeping up my smooth cheeks. I wasn’t
embarrassed. I was pissed.

Harrison O’Connor.
Popular jock, QB of our high school football team. Currently banging the
head cheerleader—if rumors were to be believed. What a fucking walking

Yes, he was talented on the football field, popular with students and
teachers, and stupidly handsome. But to me, he was the epitome of evil. My
bully. My tormentor.
Ashburton was a small town. Everyone had grown up together; everyone
knew everybody’s business.

Harrison and I had known each other since we were toddlers. We were in
the same playgroup, the same Sunday School class, and the same school
classes. When he was a boy, he was the sweetest thing.

I had admired him back then. He was always helpful, friendly, funny, and
kind. I was too young to really classify my feelings as a crush, but looking
back, I recalled an overwhelming affection towards Harrison; an affinity of
sorts. It certainly was the last time I felt anything other than distaste for

When Harrison was around fourteen years old, something changed. It
started out slowly at first. Physically, he became different—his body filled
out, he grew almost a foot taller than all the boys in our year, and he settled
attractively into his lanky looks.
But then he procured a new set of friends. All good looking. Athletic.

And mean.
It didn’t take long for his personality to morph, too. It happened almost
I was walking across the football field after school, my arms laden with
books. Three boys were approaching me, and I instantly tensed before their
figures cleared and I could decipher who they were. Harrison, James, and

Keeping a wary eye on Kyle, I continued to trek forward. I wasn’t worried
about the other boys, but if anyone were to bully me, it would be Kyle. I
wouldn’t put it past him to stick his leg out as I walked past, regardless of
his audience.

Kyle had grown up with a chip on his shoulder, always targeting the
weaker kids no matter their gender. Which, of course, meant that I fell
under his warpath.

Curiously, despite his behavior, he still retained his popular status among
his peers. Go figure. Being a shithead really paid off.

I was puzzled as to why Harrison was hanging out with Kyle, but I felt
grateful and relieved at that moment that he was there. I was ignorantly safe
in the knowledge that Kyle would either not lash out at me because of
Harrison or, if he did, Harrison would for sure stick up for me.

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