A Bride for the Rakish Duke by Sally Vixen EPUB & PDF

A Bride for the Rakish Duke (DUKES OF CONVENIENCE #2) by Sally Vixen EPUB & PDF

A Bride for the Rakish Duke (DUKES OF CONVENIENCE #2) by Sally Vixen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sally Vixen
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.3 MB
  • Price: Free

“Find me, if you dare,” Lady Artemisia whispered close to William’s
ear, stirring him up into a frenzy. “Let us see how keen those
instincts of yours are. How wild a wolf you can be.”
He was already on the brink of a ferocious thirst in dire need of quenching,
after dancing a scintillating waltz with the fine lady. He had assumed that
would be enough to have her eating from the palm of his hand, but she, too,
had clearly been schooled in the art of the tease.

“I will not make it easy for you.” Lady Artemisia smiled, her brown eyes
sparkling behind her golden rabbit mask. And just like that, she was gone,
blending into a sea of similar masks and infuriatingly similar gowns.
“Is rabbit the fashion this Season?” William muttered, trying to spot her
raven-black hair. “Did all the ladies conspire to wear pink?”

Anthony appeared at his side, wielding an array of hors d’oeuvres on a
napkin. “Something wrong, Brother?” He inhaled a salmon puff. “You look
as if you wish to start a fight.”
“Not a fight,” William replied, smirking as he spotted a braided bun of that
silky black hair.

Although, there may be a kind of wrestling.
He neglected to add that part for the sake of Anthony’s more innocent ears.
Anthony selected some manner of tiny sandwich and chewed contentedly.
“I thought we might venture outside. There are games on the lawn,

“Later,” William growled, his blood heating up. “I have something more
pressing to attend to.”
With a shrug, Anthony swallowed his mouthful. “Good luck with Lady
Artemisia. I fear you might need it.”

Laughing in the back of his throat at his brother’s perceptiveness, for he
kept forgetting that Anthony was no longer a child, William set off in search
of his prize, prowling through the crowd like the wolf his silver mask
marked him to be.

Allowing a grin to creep onto his lips, he came up behind the raven-haired
woman and closed his hand around her arm.
A shriek of alarm went up, the woman turning sharply. She wore a golden
rabbit mask, and her gown was a dusky pink, but her eyes were a bright,
startled blue.

“Your Grace!” she gasped, her gaze flitting to his hand.
He let go as if his fingertips had touched a thorn. “Apologies,” he said as
evenly as he could, “I thought you were someone else.”
“I could be someone else, if you wanted,” the young lady replied, her shock
transforming into a coquettish intrigue.

A sensation of disgust prompted his nose to wrinkle. There was temptation
and teasing, and then there was desperation. One made his blood pound and
his loins stir, the other left him cold.

“Apologies,” he said again, moving on before he lost his hunger altogether.
He was more careful with the next few ladies he thought might be Lady
Artemisia, speaking her name before he thought about touching anyone.

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