A Bride for the Billionaire (BRIDE FOR HIRE) by Kallie Vegas EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Kallie Vegas
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
I snap as I look down at the
wedding invitation in my hand. ‘Daly Foster & Tillie Stephens invite you to
celebrate their wedding with them.’ I throw the invite back on the desk.
“Why would they invite me to their wedding unless it’s to gloat,” I grunt,
running a hand through my hair.
Tillie was engaged to me at one point, then I found her cheating with Daly
Foster, the gut that I’ve hated since Kindergarten. And now they are getting
married? I laugh. “They deserve each other, I wonder how long it will take
them to cheat on each other, if they haven’t already.”
My door opens and my assistant Sheila walks in. “Are you talking to
yourself again?” She laughs. She’s been with me for ten years and I class
her as part of my family.
“Did you see the invite from Tillie?” She nods her head. “Why the fuck
didn’t you just throw it out?”
She sits down opposite me, crosses her legs and leans forward. This could
have been suggestive on a younger woman, but Sheila is in her fifties and
she would punch me if she thought I thought of her that way. Which I don’t.
“I have a proposition for you.” She looks at me over her glasses and I laugh.
She reminds me of my mom before she passed away.
“Sheila, do you want to go to the wedding with me?” I raise my eyebrow in
She shakes her head, “Absolutely not. But have you heard of the Wife for
Hire Agency?”
“What the hell is that? I’m not ordering a prostitute.” Is she mad in the
head? Does she think I need to get a prostitute? “What is wrong with you
She laughs. “It’s not a prostitute agency, or an escort agency. Wife for Hire
is an online agency that will find you the perfect wife.
Whether you need a temporary arrangement or looking for the real deal, the
agency can help with anything. Their website is very discreet and sleek.
You need a special passcode to view their catalog of women which is
provided by Miss May. Miss May will meet with you via a Zoom meeting
at first and then she will invite you into the office to meet your ‘wife’.”
“What do I want a wife for? I’m not ready to get married, not after the way
Tillie behaved.” I shake my head.
“Look, Caleb. If you want to get back at Tillie and Daly then you need to go
to their wedding. You need to show up and show them that they mean
nothing to you – that you don’t care if they are getting married. You can
network and do what you want, but you need to go to that wedding.
It will
show that you are a bigger man. They think that by sending you the invite
you are not going to attend, but they are rubbing it in their face. So you
should rub it into their faces that you met just the right person and that you
are happy. Do you remember a time when you were happy, Caleb?”
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