A Bone in His Teeth by Kellen Graves EPUB & PDF

A Bone in His Teeth by Kellen Graves EPUB & PDF

A Bone in His Teeth by Kellen Graves EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kellen Graves
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Alba never knew the name of the town where his mother came
from; he did, however, know that should he ever return to an empty house
in Welkin, he could go there to find her. She’d said as much, every time
they had to hug goodbye after another single night he was allowed to visit
between long stretches at sea. Should you ever return to an empty home,
don’t believe anything they tell you. You’ll always find safe harbor under
the moon.

He assumed there was a reason she was never specific, he assumed she
would leave a note telling him where to go if the day ever came. But the
rainy, cold morning he limped through the door, smelling of sweat and
moldy straw from the journey by train, the house was as silent as his ringing
ears. Only his hands dragging along the old, familiar wallpaper made any
sound. His heavy footsteps, having to shuffle his aching hip as it still hurt
too badly to put weight on. The grunting breaths of the chaperone who
followed behind him with every step, knowing to not let Alba out of his
sight while inside.

The only sound left to assure him that house had once been his, was the
jingling of his mother’s chimes from the kitchen window, tousled by the
wind and whistling lightly every time air passed through the notches carved
in dangling silver tubes.

Some things remained in their places, but Alba knew not to trust them.
He knew it was likely that no one had been back to that house in at least a
week, maybe two—exactly as long as it took him to get back home with his

Edythe Marsh left behind her nicest shirts and dresses—but her work
clothes were missing. The shoes she wore to church remained on the shelf
by the door—but her walking boots were missing. Creature comforts like
her favorite perfume, hair brush, hand lotion, face powder were exactly
where they always were whenever Alba came to visit—but the hair clip
he’d once gifted her, one she wore every day, adorned with pearls and platepressed with the image of a mermaid, was nowhere to be found.

Alba knew better than to mention it to the man who followed on his
heels between each room. Reminding himself what she’d always said. Don’t
believe anything they tell you.

He searched high and low for any sign of where she wanted him to
follow, where exactly on the sea he should search to find her. He had a
limited amount of time at his fingertips, pretending everything he did was
done to gather his small number of allotted belongings to take with him to
Belmar, every now and again inciting a grunt of warning from the man who
hovered in the doorway while Alba rifled through his mother’s nightstand.
Alba never responded, focusing his entire being into keeping calm.
Knowing he wouldn’t get a second chance once he left the house behind.

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